The Real Estate Books AI Library system utilizes Artificial Intelligence Large Language Models (LLMs) to answer queries. Currently, we utilize OpenAI models GPT-4 (Gold) and GPT-3.5-Turbo-16K (Bronze). We are currently testing a 3rd model, our Silver model, but at the time of this writing, we are under an NDA and cannot reveal the provider.
Attached to this post are the results of several actual California Real Estate Practice Exams taken by our AI systems utilizing only the documents posted in this library. These are the full exam questions entered and actual responses received.
So far, with all CA Real Estate Exam questions posed to our AI, it has a 90% - 95% success rate. Please note that this rate is affected by these elements:
We hope in the future to mitigate these issues by using the technique of "fine-tuning", that is, training the AI on the log history of actual questions and responses processed. That way, over time, system will become smarter and smarter, and will learn to understand all the various ways the same question can be asked.
That said, please review the attached exam questions and responses. Note how the AI responds to each question, listing it's source citations and basing it's conclusions on the available context documents.
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