Our Real Estate Books AI library features the exciting capability of querying the system in multiple languages such as English, Spanish, and Chinese. This provides users more flexibility to interact with the system in their preferred language. However, some caution should be exercised when using languages other than English.
To use the Multi-Lingual support feature, you only need enter your question in the language which you would like a response:
A little Spanlish above.
You can optionally ask your question in English, and tell the system to respond in another language:
Note that in the above, the question was about "brokers", but the response translates to "real estate agent". These are the potential differences in nuance you must be aware of when working in languages other than English.
As an AI system, our library does not actually know any language natively. It relies on advanced machine translation to convert queries and documents between languages. While these translations are decent, they lack the nuance and understanding of an actual multilingual human. Subtleties in grammar, semantics, idioms, etc. may not always translate perfectly.
When querying our system in languages besides English, users should keep this limitation in mind. It is best to phrase queries in a very clear and straightforward manner, avoiding complex linguistic constructs that may not translate accurately. Providing more context and specifics can also help the system interpret the intent behind non-English queries.
The system's responses may also lose some nuance when translated from the original indexed English documents into other languages. The AI cannot comprehend the true meaning behind the text like a person can. It relies solely on automated translation processes.
So while we are excited to offer multilingual capabilities in our AI library, the system does not actually know any human language innately. Users get the best results by querying in clear, simple English. Non-English queries are feasible but may require some trial and error to understand the system's translation limitations. With well-formulated queries, our multilingual AI can still provide useful information to users across language barriers. But human language comprehension remains a unique human faculty that AI cannot fully replicate. We hope this explanation provides helpful guidance on interacting with our system in multiple languages.
As all the documentation uploaded to the Real Estate Books AI Library is in English, the only language for which we can guarantee a good response will always be English.
Generally Supported Languages
- English
- Italian
- Afrikaans
- Spanish
- German
- French
- Indonesian
- Russian
- Polish
- Ukranian
- Greek
- Latvian
- Mandarin
- Arabic
- Turkish
- Japanese
- Swahili
- Welsh
- Korean
Complete List of Supported Languages
- Albanian, Albania
- Arabic, Arab World
- Armenian, Armenia
- Awadhi, India
- Azerbaijani, Azerbaijan
- Bashkir, Russia
- Basque, Spain
- Belarusian, Belarus
- Bengali, Bangladesh
- Bhojpuri, India
- Bosnian, Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Brazilian Portuguese, Brazil
- Bulgarian, Bulgaria
- Cantonese (Yue), China
- Catalan, Spain
- Chhattisgarhi, India
- Chinese, China
- Croatian, Croatia
- Czech, Czech Republic
- Danish, Denmark
- Dogri, India
- Dutch, Netherlands
- English, United Kingdom
- Estonian, Estonia
- Faroese, Faroe Islands
- Finnish, Finland
- French, France
- Galician, Spain
- Georgian, Georgia
- German, Germany
- Greek, Greece
- Gujarati, India
- Haryanvi, India
- Hindi, India
- Hungarian, Hungary
- Indonesian, Indonesia
- Irish, Ireland
- Italian, Italy
- Japanese, Japan
- Javanese, Indonesia
- Kannada, India
- Kashmiri, India
- Kazakh, Kazakhstan
- Konkani, India
- Korean, South Korea
- Kyrgyz, Kyrgyzstan
- Latvian, Latvia
- Lithuanian, Lithuania
- Macedonian, North Macedonia
- Maithili, India
- Malay, Malaysia
- Maltese, Malta
- Mandarin, China
- Mandarin Chinese, China
- Marathi, India
- Marwari, India
- Min Nan, China
- Moldovan, Moldova
- Mongolian, Mongolia
- Montenegrin, Montenegro
- Nepali, Nepal
- Norwegian, Norway
- Oriya, India
- Pashto, Afghanistan
- Persian (Farsi), Iran
- Polish, Poland
- Portuguese, Portugal
- Punjabi, India
- Rajasthani, India
- Romanian, Romania
- Russian, Russia
- Sanskrit, India
- Santali, India
- Serbian, Serbia
- Sindhi, Pakistan
- Sinhala, Sri Lanka
- Slovak, Slovakia
- Slovene, Slovenia
- Slovenian, Slovenia
- Ukrainian, Ukraine
- Urdu, Pakistan
- Uzbek, Uzbekistan
- Vietnamese, Vietnam
- Welsh, Wales
- Wu, China