10509. Unlawful Payment of Compensation

10509. Unlawful Payment of Compensation somebody

Unlawful Payment of Compensation
10509. (a) It is unlawful for a mineral, oil, and gas broker or a real estate broker to compensate, directly or indirectly, any person who is not a mineral, oil, and gas broker or a licensed real estate salesperson retained by the real estate broker for performing any acts for which a mineral, oil, and gas broker license is required.
(b) It is a misdemeanor, punishable by a fine of not exceeding one hundred dollars ($100) for each offense, for any person, whether obligor, escrow holder, or otherwise, to pay or deliver compensation to a person for performing any acts for which a mineral, oil, and gas broker license is required unless that person is known by the payer to be or has presented evidence to the payer that he or she was a licensed mineral, oil, and gas broker at the time the compensation was earned.