Article 5. Transactions in Trust Deeds and Real Property Sales Contracts

Article 5. Transactions in Trust Deeds and Real Property Sales Contracts somebody

10230. Exception

10230. Exception somebody

10230. (a) The provisions of this article do not apply to the negotiation of a loan by or on behalf of a real estate broker in connection with a qualifying sale or exchange of real property in which the broker acted as the agent of one or more of the parties to the sale or exchange, nor to the sale or exchange by or on behalf of the broker of a promissory note created for the purpose of financing a qualifying real property sale or exchange transaction in which the broker acted as the agent of one or more of the parties to the qualifying real property sale or exchange regardless of the time of the sale or exchange of the promissory note. For the purposes of this subdivision, a “qualifying” sale or exchange of real property is one that is subject to the requirements of Article 3 (commencing with Section 2956) of Chapter 2 of Title 14 of Part 4 of Division 3 of the Civil Code.
(b) Subdivision (a) shall not apply to the negotiation of loans nor to sales or exchanges of promissory notes in connection with the financing of a real property sale or exchange transaction in which the broker had a direct or indirect monetary interest as a party.

10231. Acceptance of Loan Funds

10231. Acceptance of Loan Funds somebody

Acceptance of Loan Funds
10231. Except as authorized by permit issued pursuant to the applicable provisions of the Corporate Securities Law of 1968 (Section 25000 et seq. of the Corporations Code), no person in doing any of the acts set forth in subdivision (d) of Section 10131, subdivision (e) of Section 10131, and Section 10131.1 shall accept any purchase or loan funds or other consideration from a prospective purchaser or lender, or directly or indirectly cause such funds or other consideration to be deposited in an escrow except as to a specific loan or a specific real property sales contract or promissory note secured directly or collaterally by a lien on real property on which loan, contract or note the person has a bona fide authorization to negotiate or to sell or which has been bought and completely paid for by the licensee, or has an unconditional written contract which obligates him to purchase a specific real property sales contract or promissory note secured directly or collaterally by a deed of trust.

10231.1. Retention of Funds

10231.1. Retention of Funds somebody

Retention of Funds
10231.1. No person in doing any of the acts set forth in subdivision (d) of Section 10131, subdivision (e) of Section 10131, and Section 10131.1 shall, as agent or principal, retain funds payable according to the terms of a promissory note or real property sales contract secured directly or collaterally by a lien on real property, for a period longer than 25 days, except pursuant to a written agreement with the purchaser or lender.

10231.2. Solicitation and Acceptance of Funds Other than for Services – Specified Statement and Its Use

10231.2. Solicitation and Acceptance of Funds Other than for Services – Specified Statement and Its Use somebody

Solicitation and Acceptance of Funds Other than for Services – Specified Statement and Its Use
10231.2. (a) A real estate broker who, through express or implied representations that the broker or any salesperson acting on the broker’s behalf is engaging in acts for which a real estate license is required by subdivision (d) or (e) of Section 10131, proposes to solicit and accept funds, or to cause the solicitation and acceptance of funds, to be applied to a purchase or loan transaction in which the broker will directly or indirectly obtain the use or benefit of the funds other than for commissions, fees, and costs and expenses as provided by law for the broker’s services as an agent, shall, prior to the making of any representation, solicitation, or presentation of the statement described in subdivision (b), submit the following to the Department of Real Estate:
(1) A true copy of the statement described in subdivision (b) complete except for the signature of the prospective lender or purchaser.

(2) A statement that the submittal is being made to the department pursuant to Section 10231.2.

(b) A broker making a solicitation pursuant to subdivision (a) shall deliver, or cause to be delivered, to the person solicited, the applicable completed statement described in Section 10232.5 not less than 24 hours before the earlier of the acceptance of any funds from that person by or on behalf of the broker or the execution of any instrument obligating the person to make the loan or purchase. The statement shall be signed by the prospective lender or purchaser and by the real estate broker or, on the broker’s behalf, by a real estate salesperson licensed to the broker. When so executed, an exact copy of the executed statement shall be given to the prospective lender or purchaser, and the broker shall retain a true copy of the executed statement for a period of four years.

(c) None of the provisions of subdivision (a) or (b) shall apply in the case of an offering of a security authorized pursuant to applicable provisions of the Corporate Securities Law of 1968 (Division 1 (commencing with Section 25000) of Title 4 of the Corporations Code).

(d) In the case of a solicitation by a corporate real estate broker, the provisions of subdivisions (a) and (b) shall apply if the funds solicited are intended for the direct or indirect use or benefit of an officer or director of the corporation or of a person with a 10-percent or greater ownership interest in the corporation.

10232. Application of Sections 10232.2, 10232.25, 10233 and 10236.6

10232. Application of Sections 10232.2, 10232.25, 10233 and 10236.6 somebody

Application of Sections 10232.2, 10232.25, 10233 and 10236.6
10232. (a) Except as otherwise expressly provided, Sections 10232.2, 10232.25, 10233, and 10236.6 are applicable to every real estate broker who intends or reasonably expects in a successive 12 months to do any of the following:
(1) Negotiate a combination of 10 or more of the following transactions pursuant to subdivision (d) or (e) of Section 10131 or Section 10131.1 in an aggregate amount of more than one million dollars ($1,000,000):

(A) Loans secured directly or collaterally by liens on real property or on business opportunities as agent for another or others.

(B) Sales or exchanges of real property sales contracts or promissory notes secured directly or collaterally by liens on real property or on business opportunities as agent for another or others.

(C) Sales or exchanges of real property sales contracts or promissory notes secured directly or collaterally by liens on real property as the owner of those notes or contracts.

(2) Make collections of payments in an aggregate amount of two hundred fifty thousand dollars ($250,000) or more on behalf of owners of promissory notes secured directly or collaterally by liens on real property, owners of real property sales contracts, or both.

(3) Make collections of payments in an aggregate amount of two hundred fifty thousand dollars ($250,000) or more on behalf of obligors of promissory notes secured directly or collaterally by liens on real property, lenders of real property sales contracts, or both. Persons under common management, direction, or control in conducting the activities enumerated above shall be considered as one person for the purpose of applying the above criteria.

(b) The negotiation of a combination of two or more new loans and sales or exchanges of existing promissory notes and real property sales contracts of an aggregate amount of more than two hundred fifty thousand dollars ($250,000) in any three successive months or a combination of five or more new loans and sales or exchanges of existing promissory notes and real property sales contracts of an aggregate amount of more than five hundred thousand dollars ($500,000) in any successive six months shall create a rebuttable presumption that the broker intends to negotiate new loans and sales and exchanges of an aggregate amount that will meet the criteria of subdivision (a).

(c) In determining the applicability of Sections 10232.2, 10232.25, 10233, and 10236.6, loans or sales negotiated by a broker, or for which a broker collects payments or provides other servicing for the owner of the note or contract, shall not be counted in determining whether the broker meets the criteria of subdivisions (a) and (b) if any of the following apply:

(1) The lender or purchaser is any of the following:

(A) The Federal National Mortgage Association, the Government National Mortgage Association, the Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation, the Federal Housing Administration, and the United States Department of Veterans Affairs.

(B) A bank or subsidiary thereof, bank holding company or subsidiary thereof, trust company, savings bank or savings and loan association or subsidiary thereof, savings bank or savings association holding company or subsidiary thereof, credit union, industrial bank or industrial loan company, finance lender, or insurer doing business under the authority of, and in accordance with, the laws of this state, any other state, or the United States relating to banks, trust companies, savings banks or savings associations, credit unions, industrial banks or industrial loan companies, commercial finance lenders, or insurers, as evidenced by a license, certificate, or charter issued by the United States or a state, district, territory, or commonwealth of the United States.

(C) Trustees of a pension, profit-sharing, or welfare fund, if the pension, profit-sharing, or welfare fund has a net worth of not less than fifteen million dollars ($15,000,000).

(D) A corporation with outstanding securities registered under Section 12 of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 or a wholly owned subsidiary of that corporation.

(E) A syndication or other combination of any of the entities specified in subparagraph (A), (B), (C), or (D) that is organized to purchase the promissory note.

(F) The California Housing Finance Agency or a local housing finance agency organized under the Health and Safety Code.

(G) A licensed residential mortgage lender or servicer acting under the authority of that license.

(H) An institutional investor that issues mortgage-backed securities, as specified in paragraph (11) of subdivision (i) of Section 50003 of the Financial Code.

(I) A licensed real estate broker selling all or part of the loan, the note, or the contract to a lender or purchaser specified in subparagraphs (A) to (H), inclusive.

(2) The loan or sale is negotiated, or the loan or contract is being serviced for the owner, under authority of a permit issued pursuant to applicable provisions of the Corporate Securities Law of 1968 (Division 1 (commencing with Section 25000) of Title 4 of the Corporations Code).

(3) The transaction is subject to the requirements of Article 3 (commencing with Section 2956) of Chapter 2 of Title 14 of Part 4 of Division 3 of the Civil Code.

(d) If two or more real estate brokers who are not under common management, direction, or control cooperate in the negotiation of a loan or the sale or exchange of a promissory note or real property sales contract and share in the compensation for their services, the dollar amount of the transaction shall be allocated according to the ratio that the compensation received by each broker bears to the total compensation received by all brokers for their services in negotiating the loan or sale or exchange.

(e) A real estate broker who meets any of the criteria of subdivision (a) or (b) shall notify the department in writing within 30 days after that determination is made.

10232.1. Proposed Advertising – Submission – Fee – Regulations – Duration of Approval

10232.1. Proposed Advertising – Submission – Fee – Regulations – Duration of Approval somebody

Proposed Advertising – Submission – Fee – Regulations – Duration of Approval
10232.1. (a) A real estate broker, prior to the use of any proposed advertisement in connection with the conduct of activities described in subdivisions (d) and (e) of Section 10131 and Section 10131.1, may submit a true copy thereof to the Department of Real Estate for approval. The submission shall be accompanied by a fee of not more than forty dollars ($40). The commissioner shall by regulation prescribe the amount of the fee. If disapproval of the proposed advertisement is not communicated by the department to the broker within 15 calendar days after receipt of the copy of the proposed advertisement by the department, the proposed advertisement shall be deemed approved, but the department shall not be precluded from disapproving a later publication or other use of the same or similar advertising.
The commissioner shall adopt regulations pertaining to the submittal and clearance of that advertising and establishing criteria for approval to ensure that the public will be protected against false or misleading representations.

Except as provided in subdivision (b), “advertisement” includes dissemination in any newspaper, circular, form letter, brochure or similar publication, display, sign, radio broadcast or telecast, which concerns (1) the use, terms, rates, conditions, or the amount of any loan or sale referred to in subdivisions (d) and (e) of Section 10131 or Section 10131.1 or (2) the security, solvency, or stability of any person carrying on the activities described in those sections.

(b) “Advertisement” does not include a letter or brochure that meets both of the following criteria:

(1) It is restricted in distribution to other real estate brokers and to persons for whom the broker has previously acted as an agent in arranging a loan secured by real property or in the purchase, sale, or exchange of a deed of trust or real property sales contract.

(2) It is restricted in content to the identification and a description of the terms of loans, mortgages, deeds of trust, real property sales contracts, or any combination thereof offered for funding or purchase through the broker as agent.

(c) Subdivision (a) is not applicable to advertising that is used exclusively in connection with an offering authorized by permit issued pursuant to the applicable provisions of the Corporate Securities Law of 1968 (Division 1 (commencing with Section 25000) of Title 4 of the Corporations Code).

(d) All advertising approvals shall be for a period of five years after the date of approval. The approval period applies to all advertising, including that which was previously submitted on a mandatory basis.

10232.2. Filing Fiscal Year Reports – Accounting Criteria

10232.2. Filing Fiscal Year Reports – Accounting Criteria somebody

Filing Fiscal Year Reports – Accounting Criteria
10232.2. A real estate broker who meets the criteria of subdivision (a) of Section 10232 shall annually file the reports referred to in subdivisions (a) and (c) with the Department of Real Estate within 90 days after the end of the broker’s fiscal year or within any additional time as the Real Estate Commissioner may allow for filing for good cause:
(a) The report of a review by a licensed California independent public accountant of trust fund financial statements, conducted in accordance with generally accepted accounting practices, which shall include within its scope the following information for the fiscal year relative to the business activities of the broker described in subdivisions (d) and (e) of Section 10131:

(1) The receipt and disposition of all funds of others to be applied to the making of loans and the purchasing of promissory notes or real property sales contracts.

(2) The receipt and disposition of all funds of others in connection with the servicing by the broker of the accounts of owners of promissory notes and real property sales contracts including installment payments and loan or contract payoffs by obligors.

(3) A statement as of the end of the fiscal year, that shall include an itemized trust fund accounting of the broker and confirmation that the trust funds are on deposit in an account or accounts maintained by the broker in a financial institution.

(b) A broker who meets the criteria of Section 10232, but who, in carrying on the activities described in subdivisions (d) and (e) of Section 10131, has not during a fiscal year, accepted for the benefit of a person to whom the broker is a trustee, any payment or remittance in a form convertible to cash by the broker, need not comply with the provisions of subdivision (a). In lieu thereof, the broker shall submit to the commissioner within 30 days after the end of the broker’s fiscal year or, within any additional time as the commissioner may allow for a filing for good cause, a notarized statement under penalty of perjury on a form provided by the department attesting to the fact that the broker did not receive any trust funds in cash or convertible to cash during the fiscal year.

(c) A report of all of the following aspects of the business conducted by the broker while engaging in activities described in subdivisions (d) and (e) of Section 10131 and in Section 10131.1:

(1) Number and aggregate dollar amount of loan, trust deed sales, and real property sales contract transactions negotiated.

(2) Number and aggregate dollar amount of promissory notes and contracts serviced by the broker or an affiliate of the broker.

(3) Number and aggregate dollar amount of late payment charges, prepayment penalties, and other fees or charges collected and retained by the broker under servicing agreements with beneficiaries and obligees.

(4) Default and foreclosure experience in connection with promissory notes and contracts subject to servicing agreements between the broker and beneficiaries or obligees.

(5) Commissions received by the broker for services performed as agent in negotiating loans and sales of promissory notes and real property sales contracts.

(6) Aggregate costs and expenses as referred to in Section 10241 paid by borrowers to the broker.

(d) The commissioner shall adopt regulations prescribing the form and content of the report referred to in subdivision (c) with appropriate categories to afford a better understanding of the business conducted by the broker.

(e) If the broker fails to file either of the reports required under subdivisions (a) and (c) within the time permitted herein, the commissioner may cause an examination and report to be made and may charge the broker one and onehalf times the cost of making the examination and report. In determining the hourly cost incurred by the commissioner for conducting an examination and preparing the report, the commissioner may use the estimated average hourly cost for all department audit staff performing audits of real estate brokers. If a broker fails to pay the above amount within 60 days of the mailing of a notice of billing, the commissioner may suspend the broker’s license or deny renewal of the broker’s license. The suspension or denial shall remain in effect until the above amount is paid or the broker’s right to renew a license has expired. The commissioner may maintain an action for the recovery of the above amount in any court of competent jurisdiction.

(f) The reports referred to in subdivisions (a) and (c) are exempted from any requirement of public disclosure by subdivision (b) of Section 7929.000 of the Government Code. The commissioner shall annually make and file as a public record, a composite of the annual reports and any comments thereon that are deemed to be in the public interest.

10232.25. Trust Funds Status Report – Contents

10232.25. Trust Funds Status Report – Contents somebody

Trust Funds Status Report – Contents
10232.25. (a) A real estate broker who meets the criteria of subdivision (a) of Section 10232 shall, within 30 days after the end of each of the first three fiscal quarters of the broker’s fiscal year, or within any additional time as the Real Estate Commissioner may allow for good cause, file with the commissioner a trust funds status report as of the last day of the fiscal quarter which shall include the following:
(1) A representation that the form and content of the trust account records of the broker are in compliance with the regulations of the commissioner.

(2) A representation that the broker’s trust fund bank account is maintained in compliance with the regulations of the commissioner.

(3) A statement of the broker’s aggregate accountability for trust funds.

(4) A report of trust funds in the broker’s custody consisting of the trust account bank statements as of the bank’s accounting date immediately preceding the end of the fiscal quarter and a schedule of withdrawals and deposits adjusting the account to its true balance as of the end of the fiscal quarter.

(5) A statement explaining any difference in amount between the broker’s total accountability under paragraph (3) above and the adjusted trust account bank balance under paragraph (4) above.

(b) Each report made pursuant to subdivision (a) shall include the following:

(1) The name, address, and position or capacity of the person who prepared the report.

(2) A declaration under penalty of perjury by the broker that the information and representations in the report are true, complete, and correct to the best of the broker’s knowledge and belief. The declaration in a report submitted on behalf of a corporate broker shall be signed by a broker-officer through whom the corporation is licensed as a real estate broker and by the chief executive officer of the corporation if he or she is not the signing broker-officer.

(c) If a broker fails to file a report required under subdivision (a) within the time permitted, the commissioner may cause an examination and report to be made and may charge the broker one and one-half times the cost of making the examination and report. In determining the hourly cost incurred by the commissioner for conducting an examination and preparing the report, the commissioner may use the estimated average hourly cost for all department audit staff performing audits of real estate brokers. If a broker fails to pay the above amount within 60 days of the mailing of a notice of billing, the commissioner may suspend the broker’s license or deny renewal of the broker’s license. The suspension or denial shall remain in effect until the above amount is paid or the broker’s right to renew a license has expired. The commissioner may maintain an action for the recovery of the above amount in any court of competent jurisdiction.

(d) A broker who meets the criteria of Section 10232, but who, in carrying on the activities described in subdivisions (d) and (e) of Section 10131, did not during a fiscal quarter, accept for the benefit of a person to whom the broker is trustee, any payment or remittance in a form convertible to cash by the broker, need not comply with the provisions of subdivision (a). In lieu thereof, the broker shall submit to the commissioner within 30 days after the end of the fiscal quarter or within any additional time as the commissioner may allow for good cause, a statement under penalty of perjury on a form provided by the department attesting to the fact that the broker did not receive any trust funds in cash or convertible to cash during the fiscal quarter.

(e) Any real estate broker who engages in any of the activities specified in subdivision (d) or (e) of Section 10131, but who is not required by this section to file trust funds status reports with the commissioner and who is not exempt therefrom under subdivision (d), shall complete trust funds status reports in accordance with either (1) the requirements of subdivisions (a) and (b) applicable to trust funds status reports filed with the commissioner, or (2) the requirements established by the lender or note owner, if the lender or note owner does all of the following: (i) requires monthly reconciliations of trust account balances; (ii) requires annual, CPA-audited financial statements; and (iii) maintains a contractual right to audit the trust accounts held by the broker on behalf of the lender or note owner.

The broker shall retain all trust funds status reports prepared under this subdivision on file at the broker’s offices, where they shall be subject to inspection by representatives of the commissioner upon 24 hours' notice.

10232.3. Loan to Value and Other Requirements

10232.3. Loan to Value and Other Requirements somebody

Loan to Value and Other Requirements
10232.3. (a) Any transaction that involves the sale of or offer to sell a note secured directly by an interest in one or more parcels of real property or the sale of an undivided interest in a note secured directly by one or more parcels of real property shall adhere to all of the following:
(1) Except as provided in paragraph (2), the aggregate principal amount of the note or interest sold, together with the unpaid principal amount of any encumbrances upon the real property senior thereto, shall not exceed the following percentages of the current market value of each parcel of the real property, as determined in writing by the broker or appraiser pursuant to Section 10232.6, plus the amount for which the payment of principal and interest in excess of the percentage of current market value is insured for the benefit of the holders of the note or interest by an insurer admitted to do business in this state by the Insurance Commissioner:

(A) Single-family residence, owner occupied………………………….80%

(B) Single-family residence, not owner occupied………………………….75%

(C) Commercial properties and incomeproducing properties not described in (B) or


(D) Single-family residentially zoned lot or parcel that has installed offsite improvements including drainage, curbs, gutters, sidewalks, paved roads, and utilities as mandated by the political subdivision having jurisdiction over the lot or parcel………………………..65%

(E) Land that produces income from crops, timber, or minerals…………60%

(F) Land that is not income producing but has been zoned for (and if required, approved for subdivision as) commercial or residential development………………….....50%

(G) Other real property………….35%

(2) The percentage amounts specified in paragraph (1) may be exceeded when and to the extent that the broker determines that the encumbrance of the property in excess of these percentages is reasonable and prudent considering all relevant factors pertaining to the real property. However, in no event shall the aggregate principal amount of the note or interest sold, together with the unpaid principal amount of any encumbrances upon the property senior thereto, exceed 80 percent of the current fair market value of improved real property or 50 percent of the current fair market value of unimproved real property, except in the case of a single-family zoned lot or parcel as defined in paragraph (1), which shall not exceed 65 percent of the current fair market value of that lot or parcel, plus the amount insured as specified in paragraph (1). A written statement shall be prepared by the broker that sets forth the material considerations and facts that the broker relies upon for his or her determination, which shall be retained as a part of the broker’s record of the transaction. Either a copy of the statement or the information contained therein shall be included in the disclosures required pursuant to Section 10232.5.

(3) A copy of the appraisal or the broker’s evaluation, for each parcel of real property securing the note or interest, shall be delivered to the purchaser. The broker shall advise the purchaser of his or her right to receive a copy. For purposes of this paragraph, “appraisal” means a written estimate of value based upon the assembling, analyzing, and reconciling of facts and value indicators for the real property in question. A broker shall not purport to make an appraisal unless he or she is qualified on the basis of special training, preparation, or experience.

(4) For construction or rehabilitation loans, where the amount withheld for construction or rehabilitation at the start of the project exceeds one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000), the term “current market value” may be deemed to be the value of the completed project if all of the following safeguards are met:

(A) An independent neutral third-party escrow holder is used for all deposits and disbursements relating to the construction or rehabilitation of the secured property.

(B) The loan is fully funded, with the entire loan amount to be deposited in escrow prior to the recording of the deed or deeds of trust.

(C) A comprehensive, detailed draw schedule is used to ensure proper and timely disbursements to allow for completion of the project.

(D) The disbursement draws from the escrow account are based on verification from an independent qualified person who certifies that the work completed to date meets the related codes and standards and that the draws were made in accordance with the construction contract and draw schedule. For purposes of this subparagraph, “independent qualified person” means a person who is not an employee, agent, or affiliate of the broker and who is a licensed architect, general contractor, structural engineer, or active local government building inspector acting in his or her official capacity.

(E) An appraisal is completed by a qualified and licensed appraiser in accordance with the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice (USPAP).

(F) The documentation includes a detailed description of the actions that may be taken in the event of a failure to complete the project, whether that failure is due to default, insufficiency of funds, or other causes.

(G) The entire amount of the loan does not exceed two million five hundred thousand dollars ($2,500,000).

(5) For construction or rehabilitation loans, where the amount withheld for construction or rehabilitation at the start of the project is one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000) or less, the term “current market value” may be deemed to be the value of the completed project if all of the following safeguards are met:

(A) The loan is fully funded, with the entire loan amount to be deposited in escrow prior to recording of the deed or deeds of trust.

(B) A comprehensive, detailed draw schedule is used to ensure proper and timely disbursements to allow for completion of the project.

(C) An appraisal is completed by a qualified and licensed appraiser in accordance with the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice (USPAP).

(D) The documentation includes a detailed description of the actions that may be taken in the event of a failure to complete the project, whether that failure is due to default, insufficiency of funds, or other causes.

(E) The entire amount of the loan does not exceed two million five hundred thousand dollars ($2,500,000).

(6) If a note or an interest will be secured by more than one parcel of real property, for the purpose of determining the maximum amount of the note or interest, each security property shall be assigned a portion of the note or interest that shall not exceed the percentage of current market value determined by, and in accordance with, the provisions of paragraphs (1) and (2).

(b) The note or interest shall not be sold, unless the purchaser meets one or both of the qualifications of income or net worth set forth below and signs a statement, which shall be retained by the broker for four years, conforming to the following:

“Transaction Identifier:_________________ Name of Purchaser:____________ Date:___ Check either one of the following, if true:

( ) My investment in the transaction does not exceed 10% of my net worth, exclusive of home, furnishings, and automobiles.

( ) My investment in the transaction does not exceed 10% of my adjusted gross income for federal income tax purposes for my last tax year or, in the alternative, as estimated for the current year.



10232.4. Disclosure Statement – Delivery – Exception – Funds Handling

10232.4. Disclosure Statement – Delivery – Exception – Funds Handling somebody

Disclosure Statement – Delivery – Exception – Funds Handling
10232.4. (a) In making a solicitation to a particular person and in negotiating with that person to make a loan secured by real property or to purchase a real property sales contract or a note secured by a deed of trust, a real estate broker shall deliver to the person solicited the applicable completed statement described in Section 10232.5 as early as practicable before that person becomes obligated to make the loan or purchase and, except as provided in subdivision (c), before the receipt by or on behalf of the broker of any funds from that person. The statement shall be signed by the prospective lender or purchaser and by the real estate broker, or by a real estate salesperson licensed to the broker, on the broker’s behalf. When so executed, an exact copy shall be given to the prospective lender or purchaser, and the broker shall retain a true copy of the executed statement for a period of three years.
(b) The requirement of delivery of a disclosure statement pursuant to subdivision (a) shall not apply with respect to the following persons:

(1) The prospective purchaser of a security offered under authority of a permit issued pursuant to applicable provisions of the Corporate Securities Law of 1968 (Division 1 (commencing with Section 25000) of Title 4 of the Corporations Code) that require that each prospective purchaser of a security be given a prospectus or other form of disclosure statement approved by the department issuing the permit.

(2) The seller of real property who agrees to take back a promissory note of the purchaser as a method of financing all or a part of the purchase of the property.

(3) The prospective purchaser of a security offered pursuant to and in accordance with a regulation duly adopted by the Commissioner of Financial Protection and Innovation granting an exemption from qualification under the Corporate Securities Law of 1968 for the offering if one of the conditions of the exemption is that each prospective purchaser of the security be given a disclosure statement prescribed by the regulation before the prospective purchaser becomes obligated to purchase the security.

(4) A prospective lender or purchaser, if that lender or purchaser is any of the following:

(A) The United States or any state, district, territory, or commonwealth thereof, or any city, county, city and county, public district, public authority, public corporation, public entity, or political subdivision of a state, district, territory, or commonwealth of the United States, or any agency or corporate or other instrumentality of any one or more of the foregoing, including the Federal National Mortgage Association, the Government National Mortgage Association, the Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation, the Federal Housing Administration, and the Veteran’s Administration.

(B) Any bank or subsidiary thereof, bank holding company or subsidiary thereof, trust company, savings bank or savings and loan association or subsidiary thereof, savings bank or savings association holding company or subsidiary thereof, credit union, industrial bank or industrial loan company, finance lender, or insurance company doing business under the authority of, and in accordance with, the laws of this state, any other state, or of the United States relating to banks, trust companies, savings banks or savings associations, credit unions, industrial banks or industrial loan companies, commercial finance lenders, or insurance companies, as evidenced by a license, certificate, or charter issued by the United States or any state, district, territory, or commonwealth of the United States.

(C) Trustees of pension, profitsharing, or welfare fund, if the pension, profitsharing, or welfare fund has a net worth of not less than fifteen million dollars ($15,000,000).

(D) Any corporation with outstanding securities registered under Section 12 of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 or any wholly owned subsidiary of that corporation.

(E) Any syndication or other combination of any of the entities specified in subparagraph (A), (B), (C), or (D) which is organized to purchase the promissory note.

(F) A licensed real estate broker engaging in the business of selling all or part of the loan, note, or contract to a lender or purchaser to whom no disclosure is required pursuant to this subdivision.

(G) A licensed residential mortgage lender or servicer when acting under the authority of that license.

(c) When the broker has custody of funds of a prospective lender or purchaser which were received and are being maintained with the express permission of the owner and in accordance with law, and the broker retains the funds in an escrow depository or a trust fund account pending receipt of the owner’s express written instructions to disburse the funds for a loan or purchase, the broker shall cause the disclosure statement to be delivered to the owner and shall obtain the owner’s written consent to the proposed disbursement before making the disbursement. Unless the broker has a written agreement with the owner as provided in Section 10231.1, the broker shall transmit to the owner not later than 25 days after receipt, all funds then in the broker’s custody for which the owner has not given written instructions authorizing disbursement.

10232.45. Investor Questionnaire/Suitability

10232.45. Investor Questionnaire/Suitability somebody

Investor Questionnaire/Suitability
10232.45. (a) Any broker subject to the provisions of Section 10232.3 or Article 6 (commencing with Section 10237) shall make reasonable efforts to ensure all of the following with respect to the offer or sale of notes or interest in notes to be secured by a lien on real property or a business opportunity:
(1) All persons to whom notes or interests are sold can be reasonably assumed to have the capacity to understand the fundamental aspects of the investment, by reason of their educational, business, or financial experience.

(2) All persons to whom notes or interests are sold can bear the economic risk of the investment.

(3) The investment in the notes or interests is suitable and appropriate for the purchaser, given the purchaser’s investment objectives, portfolio structure, and financial situation.

(b) A broker shall make this determination on the basis of information he or she obtains from the purchaser. Relevant information for this purpose includes, at least, the age, investment objective, investment experience, income, net worth, financial situation, and other investments of the prospective purchaser, as well as any other pertinent factors the commissioner shall establish through regulation.

(c) A broker shall maintain records of the information used to determine that an investment is suitable and appropriate for each purchaser and shall retain these records for at least four years.

(d) A broker that complies with all of the following shall be deemed to have complied with subdivision (a):

(1) Obtains from each person to whom notes and deeds of trust or interests therein are offered or sold, at least two business days and not more than one year prior to completing each sale, a completed investor questionnaire in a form approved by the commissioner. After obtaining an initial questionnaire, any subsequent questionnaire from the same person need only reflect any updates from the immediately preceding questionnaire obtained by the broker.

(2) Uses the responses in that questionnaire as an aid in complying with subdivision (a).

(e) Nothing in this section shall be construed to require a broker to utilize an investor questionnaire to ensure compliance with subdivision (a). Reliance of a broker on an investor questionnaire in a form approved by the commissioner shall not prohibit that broker from utilizing additional information to ensure compliance with subdivision (a).

10232.5. Disclosure Statement Content

10232.5. Disclosure Statement Content somebody

Disclosure Statement Content
10232.5. (a) If the real estate broker is performing acts described in subdivision (d) of Section 10131 in negotiating a loan to be secured by a lien on real property or on a business opportunity, the statement required to be given to the prospective lender shall include, but shall not necessarily be limited to, the following information:
(1) Address or other means of identification of the real property that is to be the security for the borrower’s obligation.

(2) Estimated fair market value of the securing property as determined by an appraisal, a copy of which shall be provided to the lender. However, a lender may waive the requirement of an independent appraisal in writing, on a case-by-case basis, in which case, the real estate broker shall provide the broker’s written estimated fair market value of the securing property, which shall include the objective data upon which the broker’s estimate is based.

(3) Age, size, type of construction, and a description of improvements to the property if contained in the appraisal or as represented to the broker by the prospective borrower.

(4) Identity, occupation, employment, income, and credit data about the prospective borrower or borrowers as represented to the broker by the prospective borrower or borrowers.

(5) Terms of the promissory note to be given to the lender.

(6) Pertinent information concerning all encumbrances which constitute liens against the securing property and, to the extent of actual knowledge of the broker, pertinent information about other loans that the borrower expects or anticipates will result in a lien being recorded against the property securing the promissory note to be created in favor of the prospective lender.

As used in this paragraph, actual knowledge with respect to any anticipated or expected loan, means knowledge gained by the broker through arranging that other loan or receipt of written notification of that other loan. In this regard, the broker shall also provide to the prospective lender the option to apply to purchase a title insurance policy or an endorsement to an existing title insurance policy covering the securing property, and a copy of a written loan application, and a credit report.

(7) Provisions for servicing of the loan, if any, including disposition of the late charge and prepayment penalty fees paid by the borrower.

(8) Detailed information concerning any proposed arrangement under which the prospective lender along with persons not otherwise associated with him or her will be joint beneficiaries or obligees.

(9) If the solicitation is subject to the provisions of Section 10231.2, a detailed statement of the intended use and disposition of the funds being solicited including an explanation of the nature and extent of the benefits to be directly or indirectly derived by the broker.

(10) If the broker is subject to the provisions of Section 10232 or Article 6 (commencing with Section 10237), a statement that the broker has a responsibility to make reasonable efforts to determine that the loan is a suitable and appropriate investment for the lender, based on information provided by the lender regarding the lender’s financial situation and investment objectives.

(b) If the real estate broker is performing acts described in subdivision (e) of Section 10131 or in Section 10131.1 in negotiating the sale of a real property sales contract or promissory note secured directly or collaterally by a lien on real property, the statement required to be given to the prospective purchaser by Section 10232.4 shall include, but shall not necessarily be limited to, the following information:

(1) Address or other means of identification of the real property that is the security for the trustor’s or vendee’s obligation.

(2) Estimated fair market value of the real property as determined by an appraisal, a copy of which shall be provided to the prospective purchaser.

However, a purchaser may waive the requirement of an independent appraisal in writing, on a case-by-case basis, in which case, the real estate broker shall provide the broker’s written estimated fair market value of the securing property, which shall include the objective data upon which the broker’s estimate is based.

(3) Age, size, type of construction, and a description of improvements to the real property if known by the broker.

(4) Information available to the broker relative to the ability of the trustor or vendee to meet his or her contractual obligations under the note or contract including the trustor’s or vendee’s payment history under the note or contract.

(5) Terms of the contract or note including the principal balance owing.

(6) Provisions for servicing of the note or contract, if any, including disposition of late charge, prepayment penalty or other fees or charges paid by the trustor or vendee.

(7) Detailed information concerning any proposed arrangement under which the prospective purchaser along with persons not otherwise associated with him or her will be joint beneficiaries or obligees. In this regard, the broker shall also provide to the prospective purchaser the option to apply to purchase a title insurance policy or an endorsement to an existing title insurance policy covering the real property and, if available from the seller of the note or contract or from the original lender, a copy of a written loan application, and a credit report.

(8) A statement as to whether the dealer is acting as a principal or as an agent in the transaction with the prospective purchaser.

(9) If the broker is subject to the provisions of Section 10232 or Article 6 (commencing with Section 10237), a statement that the broker has a responsibility to make reasonable efforts to determine that the purchase is a suitable and appropriate investment for the purchaser, based on information provided by the purchaser regarding the purchaser’s financial situation and investment objectives.

10232.6. Appraisal – Disclosure of Fair Market Value in Loan Transactions

10232.6. Appraisal – Disclosure of Fair Market Value in Loan Transactions somebody

Appraisal – Disclosure of Fair Market Value in Loan Transactions
10232.6. (a) A real estate broker, acting within the course and scope of his or her license, who arranges for or engages the services of an appraiser licensed or certified by the Office of Real Estate Appraisers for the applicable transaction, and delivers the resulting appraisal to the prospective lender and prospective purchaser as required by Section 10232.5, has met the broker’s obligation of full and complete disclosure solely pursuant to paragraph (2) of subdivision (a) of Section 10232.5 and paragraph (2) of subdivision (b) of Section 10232.5, and is not required to provide a separate estimate of fair market value under Section 10232.5.
(b) This section shall not apply in instances where the licensed or certified appraiser is an employee of the broker. However, the duty of disclosure shall not be deemed met where the broker knew or should have known that the referral was negligently made or that the fair market value provided by the appraiser was inaccurate. (c) Nothing in this section is intended to relieve the broker of any obligation or requirement to disclose what he or she knows about the value of the property.

(d) This section shall apply only to loan transactions and shall have no effect on a real estate broker’s duties of disclosure in purchase or sales transactions.

10233. Authorization Required to Service Promissory Note

10233. Authorization Required to Service Promissory Note somebody

Authorization Required to Service Promissory Note
10233. A real estate licensee who undertakes to service a promissory note secured directly or collaterally by a lien on real property or a real property sales contract shall comply with each of the following requirements:
(a) The licensee shall have a written authorization from the borrower, the lender, or the owner of the note or contract, that is included within the terms of a written servicing agreement that satisfies the requirements of paragraphs (1), (2), (4), and (5) of subdivision (k) of Section 10238.

(b) The licensee shall provide the lender or the owner of the note or contract with at least the following accountings: (1) An accounting of the unpaid principal balance at the end of each year. (2) An accounting of collections and disbursements received and made during each year. (3) Each accounting required under this subdivision shall identify the person who holds the original note or contract and the deed of trust evidencing and securing the debt or obligation for which the accounting has been provided.

(c) The licensee shall provide to the lender or the owner of the note or contract written notification within 15 days of the occurrence of any of the following events:

(1) The recording of a notice of default.

(2) The recording of a notice of trustee’s sale.

(3) The receipt of any payment constituting an amount greater than or equal to five monthly payments, together with a request for partial or total reconveyance of the real property, in which case the notice shall also indicate any further transfer or delivery instructions.

(4) The delinquency of any installment or other obligation under the note or contract for over 30 days.

10233.1. Broker Advancing Other than Obligor’s Funds

10233.1. Broker Advancing Other than Obligor’s Funds somebody

Broker Advancing Other than Obligor’s Funds
10233.1. If a real estate broker in servicing a real property sales contract or a promissory note secured directly or collaterally by a lien on real property for the mortgagee, beneficiary, or owner of the note or contract, causes funds other than funds received from the obligor of the note or contract to be applied toward a payment to protect the security of the note or contract being serviced, including the payment of debt service on an obligation secured by the same real property having priority over the mortgage or deed of trust securing the promissory note that the broker is servicing, the broker shall, not later than 10 days after making any such payment, give written notice to the mortgagee, beneficiary, or owner of the date and amount of payment, the name of the person to whom payment was made, the source of funds, and the reason for making the payment.

10233.2. Loan Servicing – Delivery by Recordation Provided Note Payable to Lender or Endorsed or Assigned to Loan Purchaser

10233.2. Loan Servicing – Delivery by Recordation Provided Note Payable to Lender or Endorsed or Assigned to Loan Purchaser somebody

Loan Servicing – Delivery by Recordation Provided Note Payable to Lender or Endorsed or Assigned to Loan Purchaser
10233.2. For the purposes of Division 3 (commencing with Section 3101) and Division 9 (commencing with Section 9101) of the Commercial Code, when a broker, acting within the meaning of subdivision (d) or (e) of Section 10131 or Section 10131.1, has arranged a loan or sold a promissory note or any interest therein, and thereafter undertakes to service the promissory note on behalf of the lender or purchaser in accordance with Section 10233, delivery, transfer, and perfection shall be deemed complete even if the broker retains possession of the note or collateral instruments and documents, provided that the deed of trust or an assignment of the deed of trust or collateral documents in favor of the lender or purchaser is recorded in the office of the county recorder in the county in which the security property is located, and the note is made payable to the lender or is endorsed or assigned to the purchaser.

10234. Recordation of Trust Deeds, Assignments

10234. Recordation of Trust Deeds, Assignments somebody

Recordation of Trust Deeds, Assignments
10234. (a) Except as provided in subdivision (d), every real estate licensee who negotiates a loan secured by a trust deed on real property shall cause the trust deed to be recorded, naming as beneficiary the lender or his or her nominee (who shall not be the licensee or the licensee’s nominee), with the county recorder of the county in which the real property is located prior to the time that any funds are disbursed, except when the lender has given written authorization for prior release.
(b) If funds are released on the lender’s written authorization as described in subdivision (a), the trust deed shall be recorded, or delivered to the lender or beneficiary with a written recommendation that it be recorded forthwith, within 10 days following release.

(c) Every real estate licensee who sells, exchanges, or negotiates the sale or exchange of a real property sales contract or a promissory note secured by a trust deed on real property shall cause a proper assignment of the real property sales contract or trust deed to be executed and shall cause the assignment to be recorded, naming as assignee the purchaser or his or her nominee (who shall not be the licensee or the licensee’s nominee), with the county recorder of the county in which the real property is located within 10 working days after the licensee or seller receives any funds from the buyer or after close of escrow; or shall deliver the real property sales contract or trust deed to the purchaser with a written recommendation that the assignment thereof be recorded forthwith.

(d) A trust deed may be recorded in the name of the real estate broker negotiating the loan if all of the following apply: (1) the lender or purchaser is any person or entity set forth in paragraph (1) of subdivision (c) of Section 10232, (2) the trust deed is recorded with the county recorder of the county in which the real property is located, and (3) the real property securing the loan as described in the trust deed is not a dwelling as defined in Section 10240.2 or unimproved real property.

10234.5. Delivery of Copies of Deed of Trust

10234.5. Delivery of Copies of Deed of Trust somebody

Delivery of Copies of Deed of Trust
10234.5. In addition to the requirements of Section 10234, in the placing of any loan, a broker shall deliver or cause to be delivered conformed copies of any deed of trust to both the investor or lender and the borrower within a reasonable amount of time from the date of recording.

10235. Misleading Advertising

10235. Misleading Advertising somebody

Misleading Advertising
10235. No real estate licensee shall knowingly advertise, print, display, publish, distribute, telecast or broadcast, or cause or permit to be advertised, printed, displayed, published, distributed, televised or broadcast, in any manner any statement or representation with regard to the rates, terms, or conditions for making, purchasing or negotiating loans or real property sales contracts which is false, misleading or deceptive.
Indicating or otherwise implying any specific yield or return on any note other than the interest rate specified in said note shall be prima facie evidence that such advertisement is misleading or deceptive unless the advertisement sets forth the actual interest rate specified in the note and the discount from the outstanding principal balance at which it is being offered for sale.

10235.5. Advertising of Loan – License Disclosure

10235.5. Advertising of Loan – License Disclosure somebody

Advertising of Loan – License Disclosure
10235.5. (a) A real estate licensee or mortgage loan originator shall not place an advertisement disseminated primarily in this state for a loan unless there is disclosed within the printed text of that advertisement, or the oral text in the case of a radio or television advertisement, the Department of Real Estate number and the unique identifier assigned to that licensee by the Nationwide Multistate Licensing System and Registry under which the loan would be made or arranged.
(b) “Mortgage loan originator,” “unique identifier,” and “Nationwide Multistate Licensing System and Registry” have the meanings set forth in Section 10166.01.

10236. Requests for Interpretive Opinions

10236. Requests for Interpretive Opinions somebody

Requests for Interpretive Opinions
10236. The commissioner in his or her discretion may honor requests from interested persons for interpretive opinions with respect to any provision of this article or with respect to any regulation for implementation of provisions of this article.
No provision of this article imposing any liability applies in the case of an act done or omitted in good faith in conformity with a written interpretive opinion of the commissioner or an opinion of the Attorney General, notwithstanding that the opinion may later be amended or rescinded or be determined by judicial or other authority to be invalid for any reason.

10236.1. Inducement Prohibited

10236.1. Inducement Prohibited somebody

Inducement Prohibited
10236.1. No real estate licensee shall advertise to give or to offer to give to a prospective purchaser or lender any premium, gift or any other object of value as an inducement for making a loan, or purchasing a promissory note secured directly or collaterally by a lien on real property or a real property sales contract.

10236.2. Penalties for Noncompliance with Section 10232

10236.2. Penalties for Noncompliance with Section 10232 somebody

Penalties for Noncompliance with Section 10232
10236.2. (a) A real estate broker who satisfies the criteria of subdivision (a) or (b) of Section 10232 and who fails to notify the Department of Real Estate, in writing, of that fact within 30 days thereafter as required by subdivision (e) of Section 10232 shall be assessed a penalty of fifty dollars ($50) per day for each additional day written notification has not been received up to and including the 30th day after the first day of the assessment penalty. On and after the 31st day the penalty is one hundred dollars ($100) per day, not to exceed a total penalty of ten thousand dollars ($10,000), regardless of the number of days, until the department receives the written notification.
(b) The commissioner may suspend or revoke the license of any real estate broker who fails to pay a penalty imposed under this section. In addition, the commissioner may bring an action in an appropriate court of this state to collect payment of the penalty.

(c) All penalties paid or collected under this section shall be deposited into the Consumer Recovery Account of the Real Estate Fund.

10236.4. Disclosure of License Number in Advertisement; License Number and DRE License Information Telephone Number in Disclosure Statements

10236.4. Disclosure of License Number in Advertisement; License Number and DRE License Information Telephone Number in Disclosure Statements somebody

Disclosure of License Number in Advertisement; License Number and DRE License Information Telephone Number in Disclosure Statements
10236.4. (a) In compliance with Section 10235.5, every licensed real estate broker shall also display their license number on all advertisements where there is a solicitation for borrowers or potential investors. Every mortgage loan originator, as defined in Section 10166.01, shall also display the unique identifier assigned to that individual by the Nationwide Multistate Licensing System and Registry on all advertisements where there is a solicitation for borrowers.
(b) The disclosures required by Sections 10232.4 and 10240 shall include the licensee’s license number, the mortgage loan originator’s unique identifier, if applicable, and the department’s license information telephone number.

(c) “Mortgage loan originator,” “unique identifier,” and “Nationwide Multistate Licensing System and Registry” have the meanings set forth in Section 10166.01.

Notification of End of Section 10232 Reporting Status 10236.5. A real estate broker shall notify the department when he or she is no longer servicing or arranging loans subject to the reporting requirements of Section 10232. If a broker has already made reports required by this article within the year, he or she shall continue reports for that year, but shall notify the department prior to the expiration of that year that he or she will no longer be servicing or arranging loans for which reports are required. The department’s records, including those which may be disclosed by calling the license information telephone number of the department, may then be appropriately updated.

10236.6. Audit – After Reasonable Notice

10236.6. Audit – After Reasonable Notice somebody

Audit – After Reasonable Notice
10236.6. (a) The commissioner, in his or her discretion, may audit any broker who conducts transactions subject to the provisions of this article. The audit shall be conducted after reasonable notice to the broker and shall include an examination of both of the following:
(1) Trust accounts under the control of the broker or in any manner affiliated with the broker.

(2) Nontrust accounts under the control of the broker or in any manner affiliated with the broker to which funds from trust accounts have been deposited other than for the payment of commissions, fees, costs, or expenses due to or incurred by the broker.

(b) The authority to audit these nontrust accounts shall be limited to instances where either an annual review or audit conducted by an independent certified public accountant or a departmental audit reveals unauthorized transfers of money to those accounts.

10236.7. Applicable Law Disclosure

10236.7. Applicable Law Disclosure somebody

Applicable Law Disclosure
10236.7. (a) A real estate broker, when engaging in acts for which a license is required, who arranges a transaction pursuant to Article 6 (commencing with Section 10237) or one or more provisions of the Corporate Securities Law of 1968 (Division 1 (commencing with Section 25000) of Title 4 of the Corporations Code), shall clearly indicate in the real estate broker's transaction file the provision or provisions of this code or the Corporate Securities Law of 1968 pertaining to qualification or exemption from qualification under which the transaction is being conducted. The real estate broker shall retain this information for the period specified in subdivision (a) of Section 10148.
(b) The real estate broker shall submit a copy of the information described in subdivision (a) to any investor from whom the real estate broker obtains funds in connection with the transaction, either directly or through an agent or affiliate, within 10 days of receipt of those funds.