Article 4. Fees

Article 4. Fees somebody

10200. When Payable – Expiration of Licenses

10200. When Payable – Expiration of Licenses somebody

When Payable – Expiration of Licenses
10200. All real estate license fees shall be payable in advance of issuing the licenses and at the time of filing the application.
Unless otherwise provided, all licenses expire at midnight of the last day of the period for which issued.

10201. Late Renewal

10201. Late Renewal somebody

Late Renewal
10201. The holder of a license who fails to renew it prior to the expiration of the period for which it was issued and who has otherwise qualified for such license, may renew it within two years from such expiration upon proper application and the payment of a late renewal fee in an amount equal to one and one-half times the regular renewal fee in effect at the time the license is reinstated.

10207. Amount – Fees Not Refundable

10207. Amount – Fees Not Refundable somebody

Amount – Fees Not Refundable
10207. The amount of the real estate fees prescribed for an examination or for a license under this chapter is that fixed by the following provisions of this article. No part of any fee paid in accordance with the provisions of this chapter is refundable. It is deemed earned by the department upon its receipt.

10208.5. Broker License Examination Fee

10208.5. Broker License Examination Fee somebody

Broker License Examination Fee
10208.5. The real estate broker license examination fee is ninety-five dollars ($95). The real estate broker license reexamination fee is ninety-five dollars ($95).
If an applicant fails to appear for the examination within two years from the date of filing his or her application and fee for the examination, his or her application shall thereupon lapse and no further proceedings thereon shall be taken.

This section shall remain in effect unless it is superseded pursuant to subdivision (a) of Section 10226.5.

10209. Application for Approval of Equivalent Course of Study – Fee

10209. Application for Approval of Equivalent Course of Study – Fee somebody

Application for Approval of Equivalent Course of Study – Fee
10209. (a) The commissioner shall, by regulation, establish fees for applications for approval of equivalent courses of study as defined in Section 10153.5 in an amount sufficient to cover the cost of administration. The fee for an application for approval of each course given by a private vocational school, including any branch school which gives the same course, shall not exceed one hundred fifty dollars ($150).
(b) The commissioner shall notify every applicant of his decision on the application no later than 60 days after receipt by the commissioner of a completed application. The application shall be on a form to be supplied by the commissioner.

10209.2. Continuing Education Course Application Fee

10209.2. Continuing Education Course Application Fee somebody

Continuing Education Course Application Fee
10209.2. The commissioner shall, by regulation, establish fees for applications for approval of educational courses, seminars, workshops, conference, or their equivalent, or for the evaluation of petition based on a claim of equivalency, as authorized by Section 10170.4 in an amount sufficient to cover the cost of processing such applications or petitions.

10210. Broker License Fee

10210. Broker License Fee somebody

Broker License Fee
10210. (a) The fee for a real estate broker license shall not exceed three hundred dollars ($300). In the case of an original applicant, the fee is payable upon filing the real estate broker license application.
(b) If an applicant fails to pass the real estate broker license examination within two years from the date of filing his or her broker license application, his or her broker license application shall lapse and no further proceedings thereon shall be taken.

(c) This section shall remain in effect unless it is superseded pursuant to Section 10226 or subdivision (a) of Section 10226.5, whichever is applicable.

10211. Corporation License – Fee for Additional Officer(s)

10211. Corporation License – Fee for Additional Officer(s) somebody

Corporation License – Fee for Additional Officer(s)
10211. If the licensee is a corporation, the license issued to it entitles one officer thereof, on behalf of the corporation, to engage in the business of real estate broker without the payment of any further fee, such officer to be designated in the application of the corporation for a license. For each officer other than the officer so designated, through whom it engages in the business of real estate broker, the appropriate original or renewal fee is to be paid in addition to the fee paid by the corporation.

10213.5. Salesperson License Examination Fee

10213.5. Salesperson License Examination Fee somebody

Salesperson License Examination Fee
10213.5. The real estate salesperson license examination fee is sixty dollars ($60). The real estate salesperson license reexamination fee is sixty dollars ($60).
If an applicant fails to appear for the examination within two years from the date of filing his or her application and fee for the examination, his or her application shall thereupon lapse and no further proceedings thereon shall be taken.

This section shall remain in effect unless it is superseded pursuant to subdivision (a) of Section 10226.5.

10213.6. Rescheduling an Examination

10213.6. Rescheduling an Examination somebody

Rescheduling an Examination
10213.6. If an applicant for any examination fails to take the examination on the date scheduled, he or she may make application in writing to the principal office of the department in Sacramento for a new date. A fee of twenty dollars ($20) shall accompany the written request for applying for the first new examination date in the case of a broker applicant, and a fee of fifteen dollars ($15) shall accompany the written request for the first new examination date in the case of a salesperson applicant. A fee of thirty dollars ($30) shall accompany the written request for all subsequent new examination dates for both broker and salesperson applicants.
This section shall remain in effect unless it is superseded pursuant to subdivision (a) of Section 10226.5.

10215. Salesperson License Fee

10215. Salesperson License Fee somebody

Salesperson License Fee
10215. (a) The fee for a real estate salesperson license shall not exceed two hundred forty-five dollars ($245), except that for an applicant qualifying pursuant to Section 10153.4 who has not satisfied all of the educational requirements prior to issuance of the license, the fee shall not exceed two hundred seventy-five dollars ($275). In the case of an original applicant, the fee is payable upon filing the real estate salesperson license application.
(b) If an applicant fails to pass the real estate salesperson license examination within two years from the date of filing his or her salesperson license application, his or her salesperson license application shall lapse and no further proceedings thereon shall be taken.

(c) This section shall remain in effect unless it is superseded pursuant to Section 10226 or subdivision (a) of Section 10226.5, whichever is applicable.

10225. Filing Fee and Inspection Costs for Real Property Securities Permit

10225. Filing Fee and Inspection Costs for Real Property Securities Permit somebody

Filing Fee and Inspection Costs for Real Property Securities Permit
10225. An application for a permit to sell real property securities secured by liens on real property situated outside the State of California shall be accompanied by the filing fee together with an amount equivalent to twenty-five cents ($0.25) a mile for each mile going and returning, or where public transportation is available the actual round trip fare pertaining thereto, estimated by the commissioner to be traveled from the office of the Department of Real Estate where the application is filed to the location of the property, and the amount estimated to be necessary to cover the expense of the inspection and appraisal of the property, not to exceed seventy-five dollars ($75) a day for each day actually spent in the inspection and appraisal of the property or properties.

10226. License Fees Lower than Prescribed

10226. License Fees Lower than Prescribed somebody

License Fees Lower than Prescribed
10226. (a) The commissioner may periodically by regulation prescribe fees lower than the maximum fees provided in Sections 10209.5, 10210, 10214.5, 10215, and 10250.3 whenever he or she determines those lower fees are sufficient to offset the costs and expenses incurred in the administration of Part 1 (commencing with Section 10000) of this division. The commissioner shall hold at least one regulation hearing each calendar year, to determine if lower fees should be prescribed.
(b) If, as of June 30 of any fiscal year, the balance of funds in the Real Estate Fund exceeds an amount equal to 150 percent of the department’s authorized budget for the following year, then within 30 days thereafter the commissioner shall, notwithstanding the Administrative Procedure Act (Chapter 3.5 (commencing with Section 11340) of Part 1 of Division 3 of Title 2 of the Government Code), issue regulations reducing real estate license and subdivision fees so that as of June 30 of the next fiscal year the balance of funds in the Real Estate Fund shall not exceed an amount equal to 150 percent of the department’s authorized budget for that year.

(c) If the commissioner fails to reduce these fees within the timeframe specified in subdivision (b), then fees shall automatically be reduced to the levels as indicated in subdivision (b) of Section 10226.5. That reduction shall be effective no later than September 1 of the fiscal year wherein the commissioner is obliged to issue regulations pursuant to subdivision (b).

10226.5. Transfer of Funds – Reduction of Fees

10226.5. Transfer of Funds – Reduction of Fees somebody

Transfer of Funds – Reduction of Fees
10226.5. (a) If at any time funds are transferred or loaned from the Real Estate Fund to the General Fund by the Budget Act, then 30 days from and after the date of the transfer or loan, fees shall be reduced as indicated in subdivision (b), irrespective of any provisions of the Budget Act precluding that reduction.
(b) Fees shall be reduced pursuant to paragraph (a) to the following maximum amounts:

(1) Real estate broker examination or reexamination: Fifty dollars ($50).

(2) First reschedule of broker examination: Fifteen dollars ($15); subsequent reschedules: Twenty-five dollars ($25).

(3) Real estate broker license, original or renewal: One hundred sixty-five dollars ($165).

(4) Real estate salesperson examination or reexamination: Twenty-five dollars ($25).

(5) First reschedule of salesperson examination: Ten dollars ($10); subsequent reschedules: Twenty-five dollars ($25).

(6) Real estate salesperson license, original or renewal: One hundred twenty dollars ($120).

(7) Real estate salesperson license without all educational requirements: One hundred forty-five dollars ($145).

(8) A notice of intention without a completed questionnaire: One hundred fifty dollars ($150).

(9) An original public report for subdivision interests described in Section 11004.5: One thousand six hundred dollars ($1,600) plus ten dollars ($10) for each subdivision interest to be offered.

(10) An original public report for subdivision interests other than those described in Section 11004.5: Five hundred dollars ($500) plus ten dollars ($10) for each interest to be offered.

(11) A conditional public report for subdivision interests described in Section 11004.5: Five hundred dollars ($500).

(12) A conditional public report for subdivision interests other than those described in Section 11004.5: Five hundred dollars ($500).

(13) A preliminary public report for subdivision interests described in Section 11004.5: Five hundred dollars ($500).

(14) A preliminary public report for subdivision interests other than those described in Section 11004.5: Five hundred dollars ($500).

(15) A renewal public report for subdivision interests described in Section 11004.5: Five hundred dollars ($500).

(16) A renewal public report for subdivision interests other than those described in Section 11004.5: Five hundred dollars ($500).

(17) An amended public report for subdivision interests described in Section 11004.5: Three hundred dollars ($300) plus ten dollars ($10) for each subdivision interest to be offered under the amended public report for which a fee has not previously been paid.

(18) An amended public report to offer subdivision interests other than those described in Section 11004.5: Three hundred dollars ($300) plus ten dollars ($10) for each subdivision interest to be offered under the amended public report for which a fee has not previously been paid.

(19) An application for an original, renewal, or amended registration as required by Section 10249: One hundred dollars ($100).

(20) The filing fee for an application for a permit to be issued pursuant to Article 8.5 (commencing with Section 10250) for each subdivision or phase of the subdivision in which interests are to be offered for sale or lease shall be as follows:

(A) One thousand six hundred dollars ($1,600) plus ten dollars ($10) for each subdivision interest to be offered for an original permit application.

(B) Five hundred dollars ($500) plus ten dollars ($10) for each subdivision interest to be offered that was not permitted to be offered under the permit to be renewed for a renewal permit application.

(C) Three hundred dollars ($300) plus ten dollars ($10) for each subdivision interest to be offered under the amended permit for which a fee has not previously been paid for an amended permit application.

(D) Five hundred dollars ($500) for a conditional permit application.