Article 3. Disciplinary Action

Article 3. Disciplinary Action somebody

10175.2. Monetary Penalty in Lieu of Suspension

10175.2. Monetary Penalty in Lieu of Suspension somebody

Monetary Penalty in Lieu of Suspension
10175.2. (a) If the Real Estate Commissioner determines that the public interest and public welfare will be adequately served by permitting a real estate licensee to pay a monetary penalty to the department in lieu of an actual license suspension, the commissioner may, on the petition of the licensee, stay the execution of all or some part of the suspension on the condition that the licensee pay a monetary penalty and the further condition that the licensee incur no other cause for disciplinary action within a period of time specified by the commissioner.
(b) The commissioner may exercise the discretion granted under subdivision (a) either with respect to a suspension ordered by a decision after a contested hearing on an accusation against the licensee or by stipulation with the licensee after the filing of an accusation, but prior to the rendering of a decision based upon the accusation. In either case, the terms and conditions of the disciplinary action against the licensee shall be made part of a formal decision of the commissioner.

(c) If a licensee fails to pay the monetary penalty in accordance with the terms and conditions of the decision of the commissioner, the commissioner may, without a hearing, order the immediate execution of all or any part of the stayed suspension in which event the licensee shall not be entitled to any repayment nor credit, prorated or otherwise, for money paid to the department under the terms of the decision.

(d) The amount of the monetary penalty payable under this section shall not exceed two hundred fifty dollars ($250) for each day of suspension stayed nor a total of ten thousand dollars ($10,000) per decision regardless of the number of days of suspension stayed under the decision.

(e) Any monetary penalty received by the department pursuant to this section shall be credited to the Consumer Recovery Account of the Real Estate Fund.

10176. Grounds for Revocation or Suspension

10176. Grounds for Revocation or Suspension somebody

Grounds for Revocation or Suspension
10176. The commissioner may, upon his or her own motion, and shall, upon the verified complaint in writing of any person, investigate the actions of any person engaged in the business or acting in the capacity of a real estate licensee within this state, and he or she may temporarily suspend or permanently revoke a real estate license at any time where the licensee, while a real estate licensee, in performing or attempting to perform any of the acts within the scope of this chapter has been guilty of any of the following:
(a) Making any substantial misrepresentation.

(b) Making any false promises of a character likely to influence, persuade, or induce.

(c) A continued and flagrant course of misrepresentation or making of false promises through licensees.

(d) Acting for more than one party in a transaction without the knowledge or consent of all parties thereto.

(e) Commingling with his or her own money or property the money or other property of others which is received and held by him or her.

(f) Claiming, demanding, or receiving a fee, compensation, or commission under any exclusive agreement authorizing a licensee to perform any acts set forth in Section 10131 for compensation or commission where the agreement does not contain a definite, specified date of final and complete termination.

(g) The claiming or taking by a licensee of any secret or undisclosed amount of compensation, commission, or profit or the failure of a licensee to reveal to the buyer or seller contracting with the licensee the full amount of the licensee’s compensation, commission, or profit under any agreement authorizing the licensee to do any acts for which a license is required under this chapter for compensation or commission prior to or coincident with the signing of an agreement evidencing the meeting of the minds of the contracting parties, regardless of the form of the agreement, whether evidenced by documents in an escrow or by any other or different procedure.

(h) The use by a licensee of any provision, which allows the licensee an option to purchase, in an agreement with a buyer or seller that authorizes the licensee to sell, buy, or exchange real estate or a business opportunity for compensation or commission, except when the licensee, prior to or coincident with election to exercise the option to purchase, reveals in writing to the buyer or seller the full amount of the licensee’s profit and obtains the written consent of the buyer or seller approving the amount of the profit.

(i) Any other conduct, whether of the same or of a different character than specified in this section, which constitutes fraud or dishonest dealing.

(j) Obtaining the signature of a prospective buyer to an agreement which provides that the prospective buyer shall either transact the purchasing, leasing, renting, or exchanging of a business opportunity property through the broker obtaining the signature, or pay a compensation to the broker if the property is purchased, leased, rented, or exchanged without the broker first having obtained the written authorization of the owner of the property concerned to offer the property for sale, lease, exchange, or rent.

(k) Failing to disburse funds in accordance with a commitment to make a mortgage loan that is accepted by the applicant when the real estate broker represents to the applicant that the broker is either of the following:

(1) The lender.

(2) Authorized to issue the commitment on behalf of the lender or lenders in the mortgage loan transaction.

(l) Intentionally delaying the closing of a mortgage loan for the sole purpose of increasing interest, costs, fees, or charges payable by the borrower.

(m) Violating any section, division, or article of law which provides that a violation of that section, division, or article of law by a licensed person is a violation of that person’s licensing law, if it occurs within the scope of that person’s duties as a licensee.

10176.1. Escrow Services – Notification of Enforcement or Disciplinary Actions Taken

10176.1. Escrow Services – Notification of Enforcement or Disciplinary Actions Taken somebody

Escrow Services – Notification of Enforcement or Disciplinary Actions Taken
10176.1. (a) (1) Whenever the commissioner takes any enforcement or disciplinary action against a licensee, and the enforcement or disciplinary action is related to escrow services provided pursuant to paragraph (4) of subdivision (a) of Section 17006 of the Financial Code, upon the action becoming final the commissioner shall notify the Insurance Commissioner and the Commissioner of Financial Protection and Innovation of the action or actions taken. The purpose of this notification is to alert the departments that enforcement or disciplinary action has been taken, if the licensee seeks or obtains employment with entities regulated by the departments.
(2) The commissioner shall provide the Insurance Commissioner and the Commissioner of Financial Protection and Innovation, in addition to the notification of the action taken, with a copy of the written accusation, statement of issues, or order issued or filed in the matter and, at the request of the Insurance Commissioner or the Commissioner of Financial Protection and Innovation, with any underlying factual material relevant to the enforcement or disciplinary action. Any confidential information provided by the commissioner to the Insurance Commissioner or the Commissioner of Financial Protection and Innovation shall not be made public pursuant to this section. Notwithstanding any other law, the disclosure of any underlying factual material to the Insurance Commissioner or the Commissioner of Financial Protection and Innovation shall not operate as a waiver of confidentiality or any privilege that the commissioner may assert.

(b) The commissioner shall establish and maintain, on the internet website maintained by the Department of Real Estate, a database of its licensees, including those who have been subject to any enforcement or disciplinary action that triggers the notification requirements of this section. The database shall also contain a direct link to the databases, described in Section 17423.1 of the Financial Code and Section 12414.31 of the Insurance Code and required to be maintained on the internet websites of the Department of Financial Protection and Innovation and the Department of Insurance, respectively, of persons who have been subject to enforcement or disciplinary action for malfeasance or misconduct related to the escrow industry by the Insurance Commissioner and the Commissioner of Financial Protection and Innovation.

(c) There shall be no liability on the part of, and no cause of action of any nature shall arise against, the State of California, the Department of Real Estate, the Real Estate Commissioner, any other state agency, or any officer, agent, employee, consultant, or contractor of the state, for the release of any false or unauthorized information pursuant to this section, unless the release of that information was done with knowledge and malice, or for the failure to release any information pursuant to this section.

10176.5. Real Estate Transfer Disclosure Statement Violations

10176.5. Real Estate Transfer Disclosure Statement Violations somebody

Real Estate Transfer Disclosure Statement Violations
10176.5. (a) The commissioner may, upon his or her own motion, and shall upon receiving a verified complaint in writing from any person, investigate an alleged violation of Article 1.5 (commencing with Section 1102) of Chapter 2 of Title 4 of Part 4 of Division 2 of the Civil Code by any real estate licensee within this state. The commissioner may suspend or revoke a licensee’s license if the licensee acting under the license has willfully or repeatedly violated any of the provisions of Article 1.5 (commencing with Section 1102) of Chapter 2 of Title 4 of Part 4 of Division 2 of the Civil Code.
(b) Notwithstanding any other provision of Article 1.5 (commencing with Section 1102) of Chapter 2 of Title 4 of Part 4 of Division 2 of the Civil Code, and in lieu of any other civil remedy, subdivision (a) of this section is the only remedy available for violations of Section 1102.6b of the Civil Code by any real estate licensee within this state.

10177. Further Grounds for Disciplinary Action

10177. Further Grounds for Disciplinary Action somebody

Further Grounds for Disciplinary Action
10177. The commissioner may suspend or revoke the license of a real estate licensee, delay the renewal of a license of a real estate licensee, or deny the issuance of a license to an applicant, who has done any of the following, or may suspend or revoke the license of a corporation, delay the renewal of a license of a corporation, or deny the issuance of a license to a corporation, if an officer, director, or person owning or controlling 10 percent or more of the corporation’s stock has done any of the following:
(a) Procured, or attempted to procure, a real estate license or license renewal, for themself or a salesperson, by fraud, misrepresentation, or deceit, or by making a material misstatement of fact in an application for a real estate license, license renewal, or reinstatement.

(b) (1) Entered a plea of guilty or no contest to, or been found guilty of, or been convicted of, a felony, or a crime substantially related to the qualifications, functions, or duties of a real estate licensee, and the time for appeal has elapsed or the judgment of conviction has been affirmed on appeal, irrespective of an order granting probation following that conviction, suspending the imposition of sentence, or of a subsequent order under Section 1203.4 of the Penal Code allowing that licensee to withdraw that licensee’s plea of guilty and to enter a plea of not guilty, or dismissing the accusation or information.

(2) Notwithstanding paragraph (1), and with the recognition that sentencing may not occur for months or years following the entry of a guilty plea, the commissioner may suspend the license of a real estate licensee upon the entry by the licensee of a guilty plea to any of the crimes described in paragraph (1). If the guilty plea is withdrawn, the suspension shall be rescinded and the license reinstated to its status prior to the suspension. The department shall notify a person whose license is subject to suspension pursuant to this paragraph of that person’s right to have the issue of the suspension heard in accordance with Section 10100.

(c) Knowingly authorized, directed, connived at, or aided in the publication, advertisement, distribution, or circulation of a material false statement or representation concerning their designation or certification of special education, credential, trade organization membership, or business, or concerning a business opportunity or a land or subdivision, as defined in Chapter 1 (commencing with Section 11000) of Part 2, offered for sale.

(d) Willfully disregarded or violated this part or Chapter 1 (commencing with Section 11000) of Part 2 or the rules and regulations of the commissioner for the administration and enforcement of this part and Chapter 1 (commencing with Section 11000) of Part 2.

(e) Willfully used the term “realtor” or a trade name or insignia of membership in a real estate organization of which the licensee is not a member.

(f) Acted or conducted themself in a manner that would have warranted the denial of their application for a real estate license, either had a license denied or had a license issued by another agency of this state, another state, or the federal government revoked, surrendered, or suspended, or received an order of debarment, for acts that, if done by a real estate licensee, would be grounds for the suspension or revocation of a California real estate license, if the action of denial, revocation, surrender, suspension, or debarment by the other agency or entity was taken only after giving the licensee or applicant fair notice of the charges, an opportunity for a hearing, and other due process protections comparable to the Administrative Procedure Act (Chapter 3.5 (commencing with Section 11340), Chapter 4 (commencing with Section 11370), and Chapter 5 (commencing with Section 11500) of Part 1 of Division 3 of Title 2 of the Government Code), and only upon an express finding of a violation of law by the agency or entity.

(g) Demonstrated negligence or incompetence in performing an act for which the officer, director, or person is required to hold a license.

(h) As a broker licensee, failed to exercise reasonable supervision over the activities of that licensee’s salespersons, or, as the officer designated by a corporate broker licensee, failed to exercise reasonable supervision and control of the activities of the corporation for which a real estate license is required.

(i) Used their employment by a governmental agency in a capacity giving access to records, other than public records, in a manner that violates the confidential nature of the records.

(j) Engaged in any other conduct, whether of the same or of a different character than specified in this section, that constitutes fraud or dishonest dealing.

(k) Violated any of the terms, conditions, restrictions, and limitations contained in an order granting a restricted license.

(l) (1) Solicited or induced the sale, lease, or listing for sale or lease of residential property on the grounds, wholly or in part, of loss of value, increase in crime, or decline of the quality of the schools due to the present or prospective entry into the neighborhood of a person or persons having a characteristic listed in subdivision (a) or (d) of Section 12955 of the Government Code, as those characteristics are defined in Sections 12926 and 12926.1 of, subdivision (m) and paragraph (1) of subdivision (p) of Section 12955 of, and Section 12955.2 of, the Government Code.

(2) Notwithstanding paragraph (1), with respect to familial status, paragraph (1) shall not be construed to apply to housing for older persons, as defined in Section 12955.9 of the Government Code. With respect to familial status, nothing in paragraph (1) shall be construed to affect Sections 51.2, 51.3, 51.4, 51.10, 51.11, and 799.5 of the Civil Code, relating to housing for senior citizens. Subdivision (d) of Section

51 and Section 4760 of the Civil Code and subdivisions (n), (o), and (p) of Section 12955 of the Government Code shall apply to paragraph (1).

(m) Violated the Franchise Investment Law (Division 5 (commencing with Section 31000) of Title 4 of the Corporations Code) or regulations of the Commissioner of Financial Protection and Innovation pertaining thereto.

(n) Violated the Corporate Securities Law of 1968 (Division 1 (commencing with Section 25000) of Title 4 of the Corporations Code) or the regulations of the Commissioner of Financial Protection and Innovation pertaining thereto.

(o) Failed to disclose to the buyer of real property, in a transaction in which the licensee is an agent for the buyer, the nature and extent of a licensee’s direct or indirect ownership interest in that real property. The direct or indirect ownership interest in the property by a person related to the licensee by blood or marriage, by an entity in which the licensee has an ownership interest, or by any other person with whom the licensee has a special relationship shall be disclosed to the buyer.

(p) Violated Article 6 (commencing with Section 10237).

(q) Violated or failed to comply with Chapter 2 (commencing with Section 2920) of Title 14 of Part 4 of Division 3 of the Civil Code, relating to mortgages.

If a real estate broker that is a corporation has not done any of the foregoing acts, either directly or through its employees, agents, officers, directors, or persons owning or controlling 10 percent or more of the corporation’s stock, the commissioner may not deny the issuance or delay the renewal of a real estate license to, or suspend or revoke the real estate license of, the corporation, provided that any offending officer, director, or stockholder, who has done any of the foregoing acts individually and not on behalf of the corporation, has been completely disassociated from any affiliation or ownership in the corporation. A decision by the commissioner to delay the renewal of a real estate license shall toll the expiration of that license until the results of any pending disciplinary actions against that licensee are final, or until the licensee voluntarily surrenders the licensee’s license, whichever is earlier.

10177.1. Suspension without Hearing for Fraud, etc, in Obtaining a License

10177.1. Suspension without Hearing for Fraud, etc, in Obtaining a License somebody

Suspension without Hearing for Fraud, etc, in Obtaining a License
10177.1. The commissioner may, without a hearing, suspend the license of any person who procured the issuance of the license to himself by fraud, misrepresentation, deceit, or by the making of any material misstatement of fact in his application for such license.
The power of the commissioner under this section to order a suspension of a license shall expire 90 days after the date of issuance of said license and the suspension itself shall remain in effect only until the effective date of a decision of the commissioner after a hearing conducted pursuant to Section 10100 and the provisions of this section.

A statement of issues as defined in Section 11504 of the Government Code shall be filed and served upon the respondent with the order of suspension. Service by certified or registered mail directed to the respondent’s current address of record on file with the commissioner shall be effective service.

The respondent shall have 30 days after service of the order of suspension and statement of issues in which to file with the commissioner a written request for hearing on the statement of issues filed against him. The commissioner shall hold a hearing within 30 days after receipt of the request therefor unless the respondent shall request or agree to a continuance thereof. If a hearing is not commenced within 30 days after receipt of the request for hearing or on the date to which continued with the agreement of respondent, or if the decision of the commissioner is not rendered within 30 days after completion of the hearing, the order of suspension shall be vacated and set aside.

A hearing conducted under this section shall in all respects, except as otherwise expressly provided herein, conform to the substantive and procedural provisions of Chapter 5 (commencing with Section 11500) of Part 1 of Division 3 of Title 2 of the Government Code applicable to a hearing on a statement of issues.

10177.2. Grounds for Disciplinary Action – Mobilehome Sales Violations

10177.2. Grounds for Disciplinary Action – Mobilehome Sales Violations somebody

Grounds for Disciplinary Action – Mobilehome Sales Violations
10177.2. The commissioner may, upon his or her own motion, and shall, upon the verified complaint in writing of any person, investigate the actions of any licensee, and he or she may suspend or revoke a real estate license at any time where the licensee in performing or attempting to perform any of the acts within the scope of Section 10131.6 has been guilty of any of the following acts:
(a) Has used a false or fictitious name, knowingly made any false statement, or knowingly concealed any material fact, in any application for the registration of a mobilehome, or otherwise committed a fraud in that application.

(b) Failed to provide for the delivery of a properly endorsed certificate of ownership or certificate of title of a mobilehome from the seller to the buyer thereof.

(c) Has knowingly participated in the purchase, sale, or other acquisition or disposal of a stolen mobilehome.

(d) Has submitted a check, draft, or money order to the Department of Housing and Community Development for any obligation or fee due the state and it is thereafter dishonored or refused payment upon presentation.

10177.3. Price Opinions

10177.3. Price Opinions somebody

Price Opinions
10177.3. (a) No licensee shall knowingly or intentionally misrepresent the value of real property.
(b) No licensee that offers or provides an opinion of value of residential real property that is used as the basis for the origination of a mortgage loan shall have a prohibited interest in that property, within the meaning of Section 226.42(d) of Title 12 of the Code of Federal Regulations and the accompanying commentary contained in Volume 75 of the Federal Register, page 66554, dated October 28, 2010.

10177.4. Referral of Customers for Compensation

10177.4. Referral of Customers for Compensation somebody

Referral of Customers for Compensation
10177.4. (a) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the commissioner may, after hearing in accordance with this part relating to hearings, suspend or revoke the license of a real estate licensee who claims, demands, or receives a commission, fee, or other consideration, as compensation or inducement, for referral of customers to any escrow agent, structural pest control firm, home protection company, title insurer, controlled escrow company, or underwritten title company. A licensee may not be disciplined under any provision of this part for reporting to the commissioner violations of this section by another licensee, unless the licensee making the report had guilty knowledge of, or committed or participated in, the violation of this section.
(b) The term “other consideration” as used in this section does not include any of the following:

(1) Bona fide payments for goods or facilities actually furnished by a licensee or for services actually performed by a licensee, provided these payments are reasonably related to the value of the goods, facilities, or services furnished;

(2) Furnishing of documents, services, information, advertising, educational materials, or items of a like nature that are customary in the real estate business and that relate to the product or services of the furnisher and that are available on a similar and essentially equal basis to all customers or the agents of the customers of the furnisher.

(3) Moderate expenses for food, meals, beverages, and similar items furnished to individual licensees or groups or associations of licensees within a context of customary business, educational, or promotional practices pertaining to the business of the furnisher.

(4) Items of a character and magnitude similar to those in paragraphs (2) and (3) that are promotional of the furnisher’s business customary in the real estate business, and available on a similar and essentially equal basis to all customers, or the agents of the customers, of the furnisher.

(c) Nothing in this section shall relieve any licensee of the obligation of disclosure otherwise required by this part.

10177.5. Fraud in a Civil Action

10177.5. Fraud in a Civil Action somebody

Fraud in a Civil Action
10177.5. When a final judgment is obtained in a civil action against any real estate licensee upon grounds of fraud, misrepresentation, or deceit with reference to any transaction for which a license is required under this division, the commissioner may, after hearing in accordance with the provisions of this part relating to hearings, suspend or revoke the license of such real estate licensee.

10177.6 Disclosure of Roles when Arranging Financing

10177.6 Disclosure of Roles when Arranging Financing somebody

Disclosure of Roles when Arranging Financing
10177.6 When an agent undertakes to arrange financing in connection with a sale, lease, or exchange of real property, or when a person or entity arranging financing in connection with the sale, lease, or exchange of real property undertakes to act as an agent with respect to that property, that agent, person, or entity shall, within 24 hours, make a written disclosure of those roles to all parties to the sale, lease, or exchange, and any related loan transaction. For purposes of this section, "agent" has the same meaning as defined in subdivision (a) of Section 2079.13 of the Civil Code.

10178. Broker Must Report Discharge of Salesperson for Violation

10178. Broker Must Report Discharge of Salesperson for Violation somebody

Broker Must Report Discharge of Salesperson for Violation
10178. When any real estate salesperson is discharged by his or her responsible broker for a violation of any of the provisions of this article prescribing a ground for disciplinary action, a certified written statement of the facts with reference thereto shall be filed forthwith with the commissioner by the responsible broker, and if the responsible broker fails to notify the commissioner as required by this section, the commissioner may temporarily suspend or permanently revoke the real estate license of the responsible broker, in accordance with the provisions of this part relating to hearings.

10179. Effect of Violation by Salesperson on Broker

10179. Effect of Violation by Salesperson on Broker somebody

Effect of Violation by Salesperson on Broker
10179. No violation of any of the provisions of this part relating to real estate or of Chapter 1 (commencing with Section 11000) of Part 2 of this division by any real estate salesperson or employee of any licensed real estate broker shall cause the revocation or suspension of the license of the responsible broker retaining the salesperson or the broker employing the employee unless it appears upon a hearing by the commissioner that the responsible broker or broker had guilty knowledge of the violation.

10180. Corporate Officer or Agent Revocation

10180. Corporate Officer or Agent Revocation somebody

Corporate Officer or Agent Revocation
10180. The commissioner may deny, suspend or revoke the real estate license of a corporation as to any officer or agent acting under its license without revoking the license of the corporation.

10185. Violations Are Misdemeanors

10185. Violations Are Misdemeanors somebody

Violations Are Misdemeanors
10185. Any person, including officers, directors, agents or employees of corporations, who willfully violates or knowingly participates in the violation of this division shall be guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine not exceeding ten thousand dollars ($10,000), or by imprisonment in the county jail not exceeding six months, or by a fine and imprisonment.

10186. Monetary Costs Associated with Monitoring Licensed Activity of Restricted Licensees

10186. Monetary Costs Associated with Monitoring Licensed Activity of Restricted Licensees somebody

Monetary Costs Associated with Monitoring Licensed Activity of Restricted Licensees
10186. (a) Following an administrative proceeding, or in connection with a stipulation, when the commissioner grants the right to a license applicant or a licensee to apply for or to obtain a restricted license or restricted mortgage loan originator license endorsement, the commissioner may, in addition to any other terms and conditions placed upon the restricted licensee, require the restricted licensee to pay the monetary costs associated with monitoring the licensed activities conducted by and pursuant to the restricted license or restricted mortgage loan originator license endorsement.
(b) The commissioner may also require, as a condition precedent to the issuance of a restricted license or restricted mortgage loan originator license endorsement, that the licensee pay monetary restitution to any person who sustained damages by reason of the act or acts that led to the discipline imposed by the commissioner.

(c) The commissioner shall not renew a license or a mortgage loan originator license endorsement, and may deny an application for the removal of license restrictions or for the reinstatement of an unrestricted license, if the licensee fails to pay all of the costs he or she is ordered to pay pursuant to this section.

(d) The commissioner shall not reinstate an unrestricted license or unrestricted mortgage loan originator license endorsement, or remove restrictions from a license or license endorsement, if the petitioner has failed to pay any costs he or she was ordered to pay pursuant to this section.

(e) The commissioner may require a holder of a restricted or revoked license, who petitions the commissioner for reinstatement of his or her license pursuant to Section 11522 of the Government Code, to pay the reasonable costs of processing the petition request.

(f) All costs recovered under this section shall be considered a reimbursement for costs incurred and shall be deposited in the Real Estate Fund to be available, notwithstanding Section 10451, upon appropriation by the Legislature.

10186.1. License Suspensions − Incarceration

10186.1. License Suspensions − Incarceration somebody

License Suspensions − Incarceration
10186.1. (a) A license or an endorsement of the department shall be suspended automatically during any time that the licensee is incarcerated after conviction of a felony, regardless of whether the conviction has been appealed. The department shall, immediately upon receipt of the certified copy of the record of conviction, determine whether the license or endorsement has been automatically suspended by virtue of the licensee’s incarceration, and if so, the duration of that suspension. The department shall notify the licensee of the suspension and of the right to elect to have the issue of penalty heard as provided in subdivision (d).
(b) If after a hearing before an administrative law judge from the Office of Administrative Hearings it is determined that the felony for which the licensee was convicted was substantially related to the qualifications, functions, or duties of a licensee, the commissioner upon receipt of the certified copy of the record of conviction, shall suspend the license or endorsement until the time for appeal has elapsed, if an appeal has not been taken, or until the judgment of conviction has been affirmed on appeal or has otherwise become final, and until further order of the department.

(c) Notwithstanding subdivision (b), a conviction of a charge of violating any federal statute or regulation or any statute or regulation of this state regulating dangerous drugs or controlled substances, or a conviction of Section 187, 261, 288, or former Section 262, of the Penal Code, shall be conclusively presumed to be substantially related to the qualifications, functions, or duties of a licensee and a hearing shall not be held on this issue. However, upon its own motion or for good cause shown, the commissioner may decline to impose or may set aside the suspension when it appears to be in the interest of justice to do so, with due regard to maintaining the integrity of, and confidence in, the practice regulated by the department.

(d) (1) Discipline may be ordered against a licensee in accordance with the laws and regulations of the department when the time for appeal has elapsed, the judgment of conviction has been affirmed on appeal, or an order granting probation is made suspending the imposition of sentence, irrespective of a subsequent order under Section 1203.4 of the Penal Code allowing the person to withdraw a plea of guilty and to enter a plea of not guilty, setting aside the verdict of guilty, or dismissing the accusation, complaint, information, or indictment.

(2) The issue of penalty shall be heard by an administrative law judge from the Office of Administrative Hearings. The hearing shall not be held until the judgment of conviction has become final or, irrespective of a subsequent order under Section 1203.4 of the Penal Code, an order granting probation has been made suspending the imposition of sentence, except that a licensee may, at the licensee’s option, elect to have the issue of penalty decided before those time periods have elapsed. Where the licensee so elects, the issue of penalty shall be heard in the manner described in subdivision (b) at the hearing to determine whether the conviction was substantially related to the qualifications, functions, or duties of a licensee. If the conviction of a licensee who has made this election is overturned on appeal, any discipline ordered pursuant to this section shall automatically cease. This subdivision does not prohibit the department from pursuing disciplinary action based on any cause other than the overturned conviction.

(e) The record of the proceedings resulting in a conviction, including a transcript of the testimony in those proceedings, may be received in evidence.

(f) Any other law setting forth a procedure for the suspension or revocation of a license or endorsement issued by the department shall not apply to proceedings conducted pursuant to this section.

10186.2. Reporting of Convictions, Indictments and License Disciplinary Actions

10186.2. Reporting of Convictions, Indictments and License Disciplinary Actions somebody

Reporting of Convictions, Indictments and License Disciplinary Actions
10186.2. (a) (1) A licensee shall report any of the following to the department:
(A) The bringing of a criminal complaint, information, or indictment charging a felony against the licensee.

(B) The conviction of the licensee, including any verdict of guilty, or plea of guilty or no contest, of any felony or misdemeanor.

(C) Any disciplinary action taken by another licensing entity or authority of this state or of another state or an agency of the federal government.

(2) The report required by this subdivision shall be made in writing within 30 days of the date of the bringing of the indictment or the charging of a felony, the conviction, or the disciplinary action.

(b) Failure to make a report required by this section shall constitute a cause for discipline.