10162. Place of Business: Contact Information

10162. Place of Business: Contact Information somebody

Place of Business: Contact Information
10162. (a) Every licensed real estate broker shall have and maintain a definite place of business in the State of California that serves as the broker’s office for the transaction of business. This office shall be the place where the broker’s license is displayed and where personal consultations with clients are held.
(b) A real estate license does not authorize the licensee to do business except from the location stipulated in the real estate license as issued or as altered pursuant to Section 10161.8.

(c) (1) Every real estate broker and salesperson licensee shall provide to the commissioner their current office or mailing address, a current telephone number, and a current electronic mail address that they maintain or use to perform any activity that requires a real estate license, at which the department may contact the licensee.

(2) Every real estate broker and salesperson licensee shall inform the commissioner of any change to their office or mailing address, telephone number, or electronic mail address no later than 30 days after making the change.

(d) Notwithstanding Section 10185, a violation of this section is not a misdemeanor.