3107. Unreasonable Delay by Claimant in Responding to Deficiency Letter.

3107. Unreasonable Delay by Claimant in Responding to Deficiency Letter. somebody

3107. Unreasonable Delay by Claimant in Responding to Deficiency Letter.
(a) In the event that the Bureau has mailed one or more itemized lists of deficiencies to a claimant as provided by Section
10471.2(a) of the Code, and if after an unreasonable length of time the Bureau has received no response to the latest
such list of deficiencies, the Bureau may notify the claimant that unless the application is substantially complete within
a specified period of time of not less than 30 days, the application will be denied.
(b) The determination of what constitutes an unreasonable length of time shall be within the discretion of the
Commissioner, taking into account the degree of difficulty in meeting the deficiencies specified. However, an
“unreasonable length of time” shall not be deemed to be less than six months after the last mailing of a list of
(c) If no response has been received from the claimant after the passing of the deadline specified by the Bureau pursuant
to subdivision (a) of this section, the Commissioner may deny the application.