3106. Procedures to be Followed when Judgment Debtor has Filed a Response.

3106. Procedures to be Followed when Judgment Debtor has Filed a Response. somebody

3106. Procedures to be Followed when Judgment Debtor has Filed a Response.
(a) A judgment debtor who has filed a response objecting to payment to a claimant from the Recovery Account may
submit written argument setting forth in detail the factual and legal bases upon which he or she believes the application
should be denied. Such argument may be submitted at any time from the filing of the response until 30 days after the
date of mailing of the Notice set forth in Section 10471.1(c) of the Code, and shall be served upon the Bureau and the
claimant as specified in Section 3104 of these regulations.
(b) The claimant shall have 30 days after the mailing of argument by the judgment debtor in which to submit his or her
own argument in favor of payment. Such argument by the claimant shall be served upon the Bureau and the judgment
debtor as provided in Section 3104 of these regulations.