3104. Subsequent Service of Correspondence and Notices.

3104. Subsequent Service of Correspondence and Notices. somebody

3104. Subsequent Service of Correspondence and Notices.
After initial service of the application on the Bureau and the judgment debtor by the claimant as provided by sections
10471(b) and 10471.1(a) and (b), and after service of a response by the judgment debtor as provided by section
10471.1(c) of the Code and section 3103 of these regulations, all parties shall be served with subsequent correspondence
and notices by first class mail as follows:
(a) The Bureau shall be served at:
Bureau of Real Estate
Recovery Account Unit
P.O. Box 137007
Sacramento, CA 95813-7007
(b) The claimant shall be served at his or her address as specified in the application, or if the claimant is represented by
an attorney, at the address of the attorney as specified in the application.
(c) The judgment debtor shall be served at his or her address as specified in the response, or if the judgment debtor is
represented by an attorney as specified in the response.
If the claimant or judgment debtor later wishes to be served at an address other than as specified above, such party shall
notify the other parties by first class mail of the new address.