3011. Equivalent Activities Criteria.

3011. Equivalent Activities Criteria. somebody

3011. Equivalent Activities Criteria.
(a) The primary consideration in determining whether a specific activity qualifies as an acceptable alternative to
attendance at approved continuing education offerings is that it must include either presentation, development,
authorship or research of information and materials designed to contribute directly to assuring that licensees maintain a
reasonable currency of knowledge as a basis for a level of real estate practice as set forth in Business and Professions
Code Section 10170.4.
(b) Equivalent activities may include but not be limited to:
(1) Attendance at courses not approved by the Commissioner.

(2) Instructing others in approved continuing education for real estate license renewal.
(3) Instruction or presentation of real estate related topics if the petitioner can demonstrate that the material
conveyed contained reasonably current information designed to assist real estate licensees in providing a high level
of consumer protection or service.

(4) Authorship of published professional articles, periodicals or books on current real estate procedures and law.
(c) Activities engaged in during the course of a licensee’s normal occupation shall not be acceptable for a claim of
equivalency unless such activities comply with subsections (a) and (b).

(d) Development of real estate education programs shall be given continuing education credit if the program would
otherwise meet the requirements necessary for approval for continuing education credit.

(1) Sole authorship or development of a real estate educational program shall be credited upon an approved petition,
with two hours continuing education credit for each hour of the program entitled to continuing education credit.

(2) Multiple authorship and development of a real estate educational program shall be credited, upon approval of a
petition, based on the percentage each author or developer contributed to the total offering.