3007. Application for Offering Approval.

3007. Application for Offering Approval. somebody

3007. Application for Offering Approval.
An application for approval of a continuing education offering shall be made on a RE 315 (Rev. 2/06) “C.E. Offering
Approval Application” form, herein incorporated by reference, not less than 90 days before the proposed
commencement date of the offering. The completed application shall be accompanied by the fee and include at least the
following supporting documents when applicable:

(a) Upon initial application and as updates to the information specified in this subsection occur, a Sponsor is required
to submit the following:
(1) If sponsoring entity is a corporation, company, or partnership:
(A) From a Domestic Corporation - the filed Articles of Incorporation endorsed by the California Secretary of
(B) From a Foreign Corporation - a Certificate of Qualification executed by the California Secretary of State.
(C) From a Company or Partnership (whether Domestic or Foreign) - one of the following documents, issued
by the California Secretary of State: Certificate of Qualification, Certificate of Registration, or Certificate of
Good Standing.
(2) If the Sponsor is operating under a “doing business as” ( “DBA”) name, include a Fictitious Business Name
Statement that has been filed with the county recorder in the county where the Sponsor maintains their principal
place of business or in Sacramento County if the Sponsor does not maintain a place of business in California.

(b) A copyright authorization from the copyright holder specifying the material that may be used and to whom the
authorization has been granted if copyrighted material will be used in a manner that would be in violation of the
copyright laws.
(c) A RE 304 (Rev. 3/09) “Consent to Service of Process” form, herein incorporated by reference, if the applicant is a
non-resident of California.

(d) A RE 335 (Rev. 5/05) “C.E. Instructor Certification” form, herein incorporated by reference, must be submitted for
each live course offering.

(e) All instruction materials, student materials, textbooks, CDs, DVDs, audio/video cassettes, case studies, sample
forms, incremental assessments, etc., to be used as part of the offering.

(1) If CDs are utilized during the course of instruction the following shall be submitted with a copy of each CD:
(A) A Table of Contents for each CD.
(B) If the CD contains a textbook, copies of the text cover, publication page and table of contents.

(2) If DVDs or audio/visual cassettes are utilized during the course of instruction, provide a course outline as defined
in Section 3006(c) that has been keyed to the elapsed time for each topic and subtopic.

(f) A General Information Page that will be provided to the participant prior to registration for the course that sets forth
all requirements and policies that affect the participant's enrollment and completion of the course, i.e., fees, cancellation,
refund; attendance and dismissal; final exam criteria, etc.
(g) A Course Outline as defined in Section 3006(c) with each topic and subtopic annotated with its allocated time in
(h) Detailed statement(s) addressing and/or copies of the following if applicable for a correspondence course offering:
(1) Method of control to protect the integrity of an exam administered via the internet.

(2) When the course is delivered via the internet, procedures controlling the participant's navigation through the
course content to ensure the completion time is appropriate for the number of clock hours for which the course is
(3) A copy of the incremental assessments to be utilized and a statement detailing the method of providing
remediation to the participant.
(4) A copy of the signed written statement, required by Section 3006(o), to be executed by the participant.
(5) Final Exam Instructions provided to the participant and the proctor.

(6) A Certification to be executed by the proctor in accordance with Section 3007.3(h).
(i) The Final Exam or bank of questions with answer key that has been keyed to the course material. If re-examinations
are allowed for participants that fail the initial examination two final examinations must be submitted or the item bank
must contain a sufficient number of questions to compile two separate examinations.

(j) A Sample Course Completion Certificate containing at least:
(1) The name and license number of participant;

(2) A statement regarding meeting attendance and/or examination criteria;
(3) The name of the offering as approved by the Bureau;
(4) The number of credit hours;

(5) The date of registration if a correspondence course;
(6) The date of successful completion;
(7) The category of the offering;

(8) The eight-digit CalBRE approval number;
(9) The name, address and telephone number of the sponsor; and
(10) The printed name, signature and telephone number of the individual verifying the participant's completion of
the course.
(k) If a course is a live educational seminar, conference or symposium that will not be offered more than annually in
two (2) locations covering subject material dealing with new or changing trends, concepts or innovations in areas
relevant to the real estate industry, a cover letter shall be submitted identifying the course as a one-time offering and the
first date it is to be offered.