3007.3. Final Examination Rules.

3007.3. Final Examination Rules. somebody

3007.3. Final Examination Rules.
A final examination is required for all continuing education courses. Sponsors shall establish the following final
examination rules for approved offerings that are to be observed by all offering participants:

(a) The final examination shall provide the means by which a sponsor determines whether a participant has successfully
completed the offering. The sponsor shall take steps to protect the integrity of the examination by controlling access to
the exam by the participant and to prevent cheating in an examination.
(b) The examination shall not be taken by participants until completion of the instructional portion of the offering to
which the examination applies.

(c) Participants taking a correspondence offering or package of offerings shall be limited to completion of final
examinations for a maximum of fifteen (15) credit hours during any one 24 hour period. A participant shall not be
granted access to additional segments of the final examination for offerings or a package of offerings that exceed fifteen
(15) credit hours until the appropriate 24-hour period has lapsed.
(d) The minimum number of questions required on a final examination consisting only of multiple choice, true/false
and/or fill-in the blank questions shall be:
(1) 1 credit hour - 5 questions
(2) 2 credit hours - 10 questions

(3) 3-5 credit hours - 15 questions
(4) 6-8 credit hours - 20 questions
(5) 9-11 credit hours - 25 questions

(6) 12-14 credit hours - 30 questions
(7) 15-18 credit hours - 40 questions
(8) 19-23 credit hours - 50 questions

(9) 24-27 credit hours - 60 questions
(10) 28-31 credit hours - 70 questions
(11) 32-35 credit hours - 80 questions

(12) 36-39 credit hours - 90 questions
(13) 40 credit hours and over - 100 questions
(e) A final examination consisting only of multiple choice, true/false and/or fill-in the blank questions shall be limited
to a maximum of 10% true/false questions.
(f) Time calculations for a final examination consisting of multiple choice, true/false and/or fill-in the blank questions
will be allowed a maximum amount of one (1) minute per each such question.
(g) Final examinations may be administered as open or closed book but must be consistent for all participants. If open
book examinations are administered, the participant may only refer to the instructional material approved for the course.
(h) Final examinations for a correspondence course may be administered by a proctor designated by the Sponsor who
is not related by blood, marriage, domestic partnership, or any other relationship, i.e. future responsible broker, to the
participant taking the examination which might reasonably influence them from properly administering the exam. The
proctor must certify in writing that they have complied with all examination rules during the administration of the

(i) Final examinations for a correspondence course may be administered via the internet provided the integrity of the
final examination is protected by restricting access to one-time, cannot be printable or downloadable, and must time-
out after the maximum amount of time authorized for completion has lapsed.
(j) Participants taking a correspondence course must have access to the course materials for the approved number of
credit hours for that correspondence course prior to completion of the final examination.
(1) For a correspondence course that uses static print or static print delivered in electronic media, such as CD, DVD,
audio/video cassette or internet download when not administered via the internet, a maximum of eight (8) hours
reading time per day shall be utilized in calculating the number of days that must lapse from the time the participant
has had access to the course material until the examination can be accessed.
(2) For a correspondence course administered via the internet, a participant must spend the requisite number of
hours navigating through the content and completing the incremental assessments prior to being granted access to
the final examination.

(k) An offering may include a provision for one retaking of the final examination by a participant who failed the original
examination provided the questions in the re-examination are different questions than those asked in the original final

examination. A participant who fails the re-examination has failed the course and receives no credit from that course.
Such a participant is not barred from re-enrolling and attempting completion of the same course, but must re-complete
the credit hours and pass the final examination to receive credit for the course.

(l) Questions used in a final examination shall not duplicate any more than 10% of questions used in any other quiz or
examination utilized during the presentation of the course.
(m) Participants shall not take possession of the final examination outside of the controlled environment under which
the examination is administered.
(n) A violation of a final examination rule by the sponsor or the sponsor's representative administering the examination
shall constitute grounds for denial or withdrawal of approval of the offering.
(o) To pass the examination, a participant must achieve a percentage score of 70 percent or more.

(p) Time involved in the final examination process may be included in establishing “clock-hours” for the offering.