3006. Criteria for Approval of Offerings.

3006. Criteria for Approval of Offerings. somebody

3006. Criteria for Approval of Offerings.
In acting on an application for approval of a continuing education offering, the Commissioner shall apply, but shall not
be limited to the application of the following criteria in determining that the appropriate hours of continuing education
credit will be given to licensees who have successfully completed the course within the time period specified by Section
10170.5 of the Business and Professions Code:
(a) The offering shall have at least one successive clock hour of instruction which is based on 50 minute increments of
actual instruction.
(b) For other than a correspondence course offering, participants shall be physically present for at least 90% of the
offering time exclusive of the time allocated to the administering of a final examination.

(c) For all continuing education offerings, a sponsor shall provide each participant at least a written course outline that
is a narrative outline consisting of not less than three (3) pages per credit-hour. Each page shall contain an average of
200 words.
(d) A continuing education offering shall have an appropriate form of final examination as set forth in Section 3007.3.

(e) Instructors, conference leaders, lecturers, and others who present a continuing education offering shall meet at least
one of the following qualifications:
(1) A bachelor's degree in a related field to that in which the person is to teach, from a school listed as an institution
of higher learning by the U.S. Department of Education, or from a comparable school of a foreign country.
(2) A valid teaching credential or certificate issued by the Board of Governors of the California Community
Colleges or by a comparable California teacher-credentialing agency authorizing the holder to teach in the field of
knowledge covered in the offering.

(3) Three years full-time experience in the applicable field.
(4) Any combination of at least three years of full-time experience and college level education in the applicable

(5) The Commissioner may approve instructors who in his or her judgment meet the criteria for approval or who
otherwise evidence their teaching qualifications by education or experience or a combination of the two.
(f) An instructor shall not be qualified if the instructor:
(1) Does not satisfy the criteria in subdivision (e);

(2) Has engaged in any violation of Article 25 (commencing with Section 3005) of these regulations or has engaged
in conduct which would have warranted the denial of an application for approval or withdrawal of approval of a
continuing education offering;
(3) As a real estate licensee has had that license suspended, revoked or restricted as a result of disciplinary action;
(4) Acted or conducted himself or herself in a manner which would have warranted the denial of his or her
application for a real estate license.
(g) A correspondence course shall consist of adequate study materials to assure that the course cannot be completed in
less time than the number of hours for which it is approved.
(h) Every sponsor shall maintain on file with the Commissioner a current address.
(i) The sponsor shall notify each participant that an evaluation form is available on the Bureau's internet website for on-
line evaluation of courses and instructors.
(j) The sponsor shall comply with the provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act in the offering of approved
(k) A sponsor that is a corporation, company or partnership shall maintain good legal standing with the State of
California Office of the Secretary of State during any term of course approval.
(l) Prior to the start of the course, the sponsor shall provide participants with the following disclaimer statement: “This
course is approved for continuing education credit by the California Bureau of Real Estate. However, this approval does
not constitute an endorsement of the views or opinions which are expressed by the course sponsor, instructors, authors
or lecturers.”
(m) All offerings shall require completion within one year from the date of registration.
(n) Every participant who successfully completes the course shall be provided with a course completion certificate
within 15 days from date of completion.
(o) A correspondence course offered via the internet in one or more aspects of the course offering must have a method
of control in place to protect the integrity of the exam, ensure by written statement signed under penalty of perjury that
the participant enrolled is the person completing the course and ensure the course cannot be completed in less time than
the approved credit hours by controlling the participant's navigation through the course content.
(p) Incremental assessments shall be required that are designed to properly measure a participant's mastery of the course
content after each logical unit of instruction or chapter within a correspondence course, i.e. case studies, quizzes or
other form of exercises. Remediation to the participant shall be provided after each assessment has been completed.

(q) A sponsor or course instructor is prohibited from marketing, selling or displaying any product or service during a
continuing education offering including during breaks between instructional periods. The foregoing shall not prohibit
marketing activities conducted outside of the instruction room before or after the course of instruction, or outside of the
instruction room during breaks in the course of instruction.