3002. Application and Fee.

3002. Application and Fee. somebody

3002. Application and Fee.
(a) A person making application for approval by the commissioner of an equivalent course of study within the meaning
of Sections 10153.2, 10153.4 or 10153.5 of the Code shall make application on a form prescribed by the Bureau and
shall include therein such relevant information as the commissioner may require. The application shall be accompanied
by the appropriate fee as provided in subdivision (c) hereof and include at least the following:
(1) The name, address and telephone number of the applicant.

(2) Summary of the course including:
(A) Type of course (resident lecture or correspondence/independent study).
(B) Course title.

(C) Complete course outline or syllabus with time schedule indicating total number of hours for course.
(D) Textbook(s) and student materials prescribed.
(E) Evidence of Private Vocational School approval or registration by the Bureau for Private Postsecondary
Education of the California Department of Consumer Affairs if the sponsor is not otherwise exempt from the
requirement for such approval or registration or by the appropriate approval authority of the state in which the
school is located shall be included with the course application.

(b) Any material change to an approved equivalent course of study shall be submitted by the school to the Bureau of
Real Estate for approval prior to use.
A material change for purposes of this section is a deviation from an equivalent course of study approved by the Bureau
of Real Estate, including a change in curriculum, course length, workbooks, texts or syllabi, but not including changes
designed exclusively to reflect recent changes in statutes, regulations or decisional law.

(c) The fees for applications for approval of equivalent courses of study under Sections 10153.2, 10153.3 and 10153.4
of the Code and for material changes to previously approved courses shall be the fees prescribed in Section 10209 of
the Code.