3000. Equivalent Courses of Study at Private Vocational Schools.

3000. Equivalent Courses of Study at Private Vocational Schools. somebody

3000. Equivalent Courses of Study at Private Vocational Schools.
(a) In making a determination under authority of section 10153.5 of the Code as to whether a course of study at a private
vocational school is equivalent in quality to real estate courses offered by colleges and universities accredited by the
Western Association of Schools and Colleges, the commissioner shall consider, but shall not be limited to the following

(1) An attended course must provide at least 45 periods of classroom instruction, each of which shall be not less
than 50 minutes duration. A correspondence course shall consist of not less than 15 separate lesson assignments.

(2)(A) An attended course must provide for a final examination administered and supervised by the school in a
classroom setting.

(B) A correspondence course must provide for a final examination administered and supervised by a person
designated by the school for that purpose. The school shall send the final examination materials to the person
so designated and the completed final examination shall be returned to the school by the person so designated.
(3) The school must provide instructors, instructional material and classroom facilities adequate to achieve the
objective of the course offered.
(4) The school shall maintain records for each student sufficient to allow for the preparation of a duplicate certificate
upon request by a student.
(5) The school shall not use advertising or other promotional devices that are deceptive or misleading.
(6) The school shall, within 15 days of a student's successful completion of the course, deliver a document to the
student evidencing such completion. The document shall contain the following information:
(A) Bureau of Real Estate course approval number.
(B) Name of student.

(C) Course title.
(D) Dates of course completion.

(E) Name and address of school.
The school may include such additional information in this document as it deems necessary.
(7) The school shall have an appropriate method of assessing student knowledge of the subject, such as, but not
limited to, multiple choice, essay or oral examinations.
(8) Instructors must have credentials issued by the Board of Governors of the California Community Colleges or
by a comparable California teacher-credentialing agency or meet the qualifications established in Sections 53400
et seq. of Title 5. The commissioner may approve instructors who in his or her judgment meet the qualifications, or
who otherwise evidence their teaching qualifications by education or experience or a combination of the two. An
instructor shall not teach a course if the instructor:

(A) Does not satisfy the criteria in this subdivision.
(B) Has engaged in any violation of Article 24 (commencing with Section 3000) of these regulations or has
engaged in conduct which would have warranted the denial of an application for approval or withdrawal of
approval of an equivalent course of study.

(C) As a real estate licensee has had that license suspended, revoked or restricted as a result of disciplinary

(D) Acted or conducted himself or herself in a manner which would have warranted the denial of his or her
application for a real estate license.
(9) Beginning on January 1, 2004, the school shall notify each student that an evaluation form is available on the
Bureau's internet website for on-line evaluation of courses and instructors.
(b) The simultaneous instruction of two or more students in one of the courses enumerated in sections 10153.2, 10153.3
or 10153.4 of the Code constitutes a “private vocational school” as that term is used in section 10153.5.