2961. Grounds for Issuing an Order of Suspension or Debarment.

2961. Grounds for Issuing an Order of Suspension or Debarment. somebody

2961. Grounds for Issuing an Order of Suspension or Debarment.
An order of suspension or debarment pursuant to Section 10087 may be based upon a finding by the Commissioner of
one or more of the following grounds:
(a) The suspension or bar is in the public interest and the person subject to suspension or bar has committed or caused
a violation of Division 4 (Sections 10000 through 11288) of the Code or a rule or order of the Commissioner and the
violation was known or should have been known by the person committing or causing the violation.
(b) The suspension or bar is in the public interest and the person subject to suspension or bar has committed or caused
a violation of Division 4 (Sections 10000 through 11288) of the Code or a rule or order of the Commissioner and the
violation has caused material damage to the public.
(c) The person subject to suspension or bar has been convicted of or pleaded nolo contendere to any crime involving
dishonesty, fraud, or deceit, or any other crime reasonably related to the qualifications, functions, or duties of a person
engaged in the real estate business.

(d) The person subject to suspension or bar has been held liable in any civil action by final judgment, or any
administrative judgment by any public agency, if that civil or administrative judgment involved any offense involving
dishonesty, fraud, or deceit, or any other offense reasonably related to the qualifications, functions, or duties of a person
engaged in the real estate business.