Article 19. Escrows

Article 19. Escrows somebody

2950. When Broker Handles Escrow.

2950. When Broker Handles Escrow. somebody

2950. When Broker Handles Escrow.
The following acts in the handling of an escrow by a real estate broker exempted from the provisions of the Escrow
Law (by Section 17006(a)(4) of the Financial Code) are prohibited and may be considered grounds for disciplinary
(a) Soliciting or accepting an escrow instruction (or amended or supplemental escrow instruction) containing any
blank to be filled in after signing or initialing of such escrow instruction (or amended or supplemental escrow

(b) Permitting any person to make any addition to, deletion from, or alteration of an escrow instruction (or amended
or supplemental escrow instruction) received by such licensee, unless such addition, deletion or alteration is signed
or initialed by all persons who had signed or initialed such escrow instruction (or amended or supplemental escrow
instruction) prior to such addition, deletion or alteration.

(c) Failing to deliver at the time of execution of any escrow instruction or amended or supplemental escrow
instruction a copy thereof to all persons executing the same.

(d) Failing to maintain books, records and accounts in accordance with accepted principles of accounting and good
business practice.
(e) Failing to maintain the office, place of books, records, accounts, safes, files and papers relating to such escrows
freely accessible and available for audit, inspection and examination by the commissioner.
(f) Failing to deposit all money received as an escrow agent and as part of an escrow transaction in a bank, trust
account, or escrow account on or before the close of the next full working day after receipt thereof.
(g) Withdrawing or paying out any money deposited in such trustee account or escrow account without the written
instruction of the party or parties paying the money into escrow.
(h) Failing to advise all parties in writing if he has knowledge that any licensee acting as such in the transaction has
any interest as a stockholder, officer, partner or owner of the agency holding the escrow.
(i) Failing upon closing of an escrow transaction to render to each principal in the transaction a written statement
of all receipts and disbursements together with the name of the person to whom any such disbursement is made.
(j) Delivering or recording any instrument which purportedly transfers a party’s title or interest in or to real property
without first obtaining the written consent of that party to the delivery or recording.

2951. Record Keeping and Funds Handling.

2951. Record Keeping and Funds Handling. somebody

2951. Record Keeping and Funds Handling.
The provisions of Sections 2831, 2831.1, 2831.2, 2832, 2832.1, 2834 and 2835 of these regulations shall apply to the
handling of funds and the keeping of records by a real estate broker who is not licensed under the Escrow Law (Section
17000, et seq., of the Financial Code) when acting in the capacity of an escrow holder in a real estate purchase and sale,
exchange or loan transaction in which the broker is performing acts for which a real estate license is required.

Article 20. Suspension and Bar Orders