2940. Petition for Voluntary Surrender of License.

2940. Petition for Voluntary Surrender of License. somebody

2940. Petition for Voluntary Surrender of License.
(a) A licensee may petition the commissioner under Section 10100.2 of the Code to accept the voluntary surrender of
his or her real estate license or license rights. The petition shall be in writing and shall contain the following:
(1) A reference to the investigation or accusation giving rise to the petition.

(2) An identification of the real estate licenses or license rights held by the petitioner.
(3) An acknowledgment that the petitioner has read and agrees to the following as a condition of the commissioner's
acceptance of the petition:
The filing of a petition shall be deemed to be an understanding and agreement by the licensee that upon
acceptance by the commissioner all affidavits obtained in the investigation prior to the acceptance and all
allegations contained in an accusation filed pursuant to Section 11503 of the Government Code may be
considered by the Bureau to be true and correct for the purpose of deciding whether or not to grant reinstatement
of the license.

(b) Acceptance of a petition to surrender a license shall be pursuant to an Order issued by the commissioner. The
commissioner may refuse to accept a surrender of a license if it is determined in the exercise of his or her discretion,
that it would not be in the public interest to accept the surrender.
Article 18.9. Discipline Regarding Mortgage Loan Originator License Endorsement