2905. Pest Control Documentation.

2905. Pest Control Documentation. somebody

2905. Pest Control Documentation.
In a real estate transaction subject to the provisions of Section 1099 of the Civil Code, the real estate broker acting as
agent for the seller in the transaction shall effect delivery of the inspection report, certification and the notice of work
completed, if any, to the buyer in accordance with said section.

If more than one real estate broker licensee is acting as an agent of the seller in the transaction, the broker who has
obtained the offer made by the buyer shall effect delivery of the required documents to the buyer unless the seller has
given written directions to another real estate broker licensee acting as agent of the seller in the transaction to effect

If the agent cannot obtain the required documents to deliver to the buyer and does not have written assurance from the
buyer that all of said documents have been received, the agent shall advise the buyer in writing of the buyer’s rights
under Section 1099.
The broker shall maintain a record of the action taken to effect compliance with this regulation in accordance with
Section 10148 of the Business and Professions Code.
Article 18.3. Citations