2853. Notice of Remedies for Failure to Refund.

2853. Notice of Remedies for Failure to Refund. somebody

2853. Notice of Remedies for Failure to Refund.
The clause required under subdivision (a)(8) of Section 10167.9 of the Code in a prepaid rental listing service contract
shall appear in bold face type immediately below the RIGHT TO REFUND notice specified in Section 10167.10 of the
Code and shall read as follows:
“You may bring a small claims court action against the licensee for his/her refusal to make a refund on your
demand of all or part of the fee paid by you under this contract. If the court finds that the licensee has acted in
bad faith in refusing to make the refund, the court has the authority to award you up one thousand dollars
($1,000) in addition to damages actually sustained by you.”
Article 17.5. Mobile Home Sales

2860. Transfer of Registration
(a) A real estate broker acting pursuant to Section 10131.6 of the Code shall, not later than the end of the tenth calendar
day after the sale of a mobilehome, that is subject to registration, give written notice of the transfer to the headquarters
office of the Department of Housing and Community Development as prescribed by that department.

(b) In a transaction in which the certificate of ownership of a mobilehome that is subject to registration is not demanded
in writing by the purchaser, a real estate broker acting pursuant to Section 10131.6 of the Code shall submit the following
to the Department of Housing and Community Development on behalf of the purchaser within 10 days after the sale:

(1) All fees and penalties for transfer of registration of the mobilehome.
(2) The ownership certificate and last-issued registration card for the mobilehome and any other supporting
documents required by the Department of Housing and Community Development.
(3) The use tax payable in the transaction.

Article 18. Contracts, Writings and Other Documents
2903. Disclosure By Person or Entity Acting in a Transaction as Both Agent in a Sale, Lease, or Exchange and
as an Arranger of Financing.
When a corporate real estate broker, individual real estate broker, or real estate broker or salesperson retained by a
corporate or individual real estate broker (hereinafter each of the foregoing licensees will be referred to as “Real Estate
Licensee”) who is acting as an agent in connection with a sale, lease or exchange of real property undertakes to arrange
financing with respect to the transaction, or where a Real Estate Licensee who is arranging financing in connection with
a sale, lease or exchange of real property undertakes to act as a real estate agent with respect to the transaction, the Real
Estate Licensee shall, within twenty-four (24) hours of the undertaking (through which the Real Estate Licensee will
have dual roles as a real estate agent and an arranger of financing), make a written disclosure of those roles to all parties
to the sale, lease, or exchange, and any related loan or financing transaction. Where the Real Estate Licensee is a real
estate salesperson retained by a corporate or individual real estate broker, the written disclosure must be made by the
real estate broker who retains the salesperson. The written disclosure made by the Real Estate Licensee shall include an
acknowledgement of receipt, which acknowledgment must be signed by all parties to the transaction.