2852. Change of Office Location.

2852. Change of Office Location. somebody

2852. Change of Office Location.
(a) If a prepaid rental listing service (PRLS) licensee or a real estate broker operating a prepaid rental listing service
under his broker license proposes to move either the principal location or main office to a different address, he shall,
prior to effecting the move, give notice of the address and telephone number of the new principal location or main office
in a manner reasonably calculated to reach all of the prospective tenants with whom the PRLS licensee or broker has
contracts that have not expired.

(b) If a PRLS licensee or a real estate broker operating a prepaid rental listing service under his broker license proposes
to move either a branch location or branch office to a different address, he shall, prior to effecting the move, give notice
of the address and telephone number of the new branch location or branch office in a manner reasonably calculated to
reach all of the prospective tenants previously supplied with listings of rental properties by the branch location or branch
office under contracts that have not expired.