2841. Mortgage Loan Negotiation.

2841. Mortgage Loan Negotiation. somebody

2841. Mortgage Loan Negotiation.
(a) The term "negotiation" as used in Section 10133.1(c) of the Code does not include any of the limited activities
described as follows when done by an employee of a real estate broker under the control, direction and supervision of
the broker:
(1) Preparing and designing advertising relating to loan transactions for broker review and written approval prior to
its distribution, circulation, use or publication.
(2) Distributing, circulating, using or publishing preprinted brochures, flyers, fact sheets or other written materials
relating to loans secured by real property which the broker can make or negotiate and which have been reviewed
and approved in writing by the broker prior to their being distributed, circulated or published. Materials subject to
this subdivision may not contain the name, address or telephone number of the nonlicensed employee.

(3) Providing written factual information about loan terms, conditions or qualification requirements to a prospective
borrower that has been either prepared by the broker, or reviewed and approved in writing by the broker. A
nonlicensed employee may discuss such information with a prospective borrower in general terms, but may not
provide counseling or advice to a prospective borrower.
(4) Notifying a prospective borrower of the information needed in order to complete a loan application without
providing counseling or advice to a prospective borrower.
(5) Entering information provided by the prospective borrower on a pre-printed application form without providing
counseling or advice to a prospective borrower.

(6) Entering information provided by a prospective borrower or third party into a preformatted computer database.
(7) Accepting and providing a receipt on behalf of a broker for funds received from a prospective borrower for
credit or appraisal fees.
(8) Preparing and mailing requests for verification of employment, verification of deposits, credit reports or
appraisal reports. Obtaining such reports for transmission to the broker.

(9) Assembling, under the direction of the broker, materials obtained in the course of a loan transaction for
submission to a prospective lender or loan committee, providing the final determination as to completeness or
compliance is made by the broker.

(10) Communicating with a service provider in connection with a loan transaction to determine when reports or
other information needed concerning any aspect of the transaction will be delivered, or when certain services will
be performed or completed.
(11) Mailing, delivering, picking up, or arranging the mailing, delivery, or picking up of documents or instruments
related to the loan transaction, including obtaining signatures to the documents or instruments from principals,
parties or service providers in connection with the loan transaction, as long as the nonlicensed employee does not
interpret or explain the content, relevance, significance or effect of the document or signature and such documents
or instruments have been reviewed and approved in writing by the broker.

(12) Contacting a prospective lender to determine the status of a loan application.
(13) Responding to an inquiry or notifying a prospective borrower or his or her agent of the status of the loan
application as long as the nonlicensed employee does not interpret or explain the relevance, significance or effect
of that status. A nonlicensed employee may communicate omissions to a party or principal to the loan as long as
the nonlicensed employee does not interpret or explain the relevance or significance of those omissions.
(14) Preparing and completing documents and instruments under the supervision and direction of the broker if the
final documents or instruments will be or have been reviewed and approved in writing by the broker.
(15) Arranging or making appointments for third party service providers to enter the real property securing the loan,
or arranging or making appointments for the prospective borrower or lender to meet with the broker, lender or other
party or service provider in connection with the loan.
(b) As used in this section the terms "loan" or "loan transaction" mean a loan secured directly or collaterally by a lien
on real property which is a residential mortgage loan transaction, as defined in Section 50003 of the Financial Code and
where the lender is an institutional lender, as defined in Section 50003 of the Financial Code. Other than the acts
specifically authorized by this Section, at no time may the nonlicensed employee perform any acts for which a real
estate license is required within the meaning of Section 10131(d) of the Business and Professions Code.
(c) As used in this Section and in Section 10133.1(c) of the Code the term "employee" means a person in the service of
a broker under any appointment or contract of hire, express or implied, oral or written and for whom the broker is
obligated to withhold income tax payments and provide workers compensation insurance and unemployment insurance.

(d) As used in this Section, the term "written approval" shall consist of the broker’s signature or initials affixed by the
broker to a copy of the instrument being approved along with the date of the approval. The broker shall retain a copy of
the approval for a period of three years from the date the approval was made. A broker may delegate to a broker or
salesperson employed by the broker the authority to provide written approval so long as the broker does not relinquish
overall responsibility for supervision of nonlicensed persons acting under this Section.