2792.32. Alternative Arrangements for Master Planned Communities.

2792.32. Alternative Arrangements for Master Planned Communities. somebody

2792.32. Alternative Arrangements for Master Planned Communities.
(a) A “Master Planned Development” is a development which ordinarily satisfies all of the following criteria:

(1) The development is or will be a planned development subdivision within the meaning of subdivision (k) of
Section 1351 of the Civil Code.
(2) The development consists of, will generally consist of, or is proposed to consist of both (a) approximately five
hundred (500) or more separate residential interests, and (b) one or more subdivisions, including planned
developments, community apartment projects, condominium projects, stock cooperatives, time-share projects, or
other residential, recreational, commercial, or mixed residential/non-residential projects.

(3) The Master Planned Development shall be managed by a community association ( “Master Association”) that
is responsible for the maintenance and operation of areas and/or facilities affecting the Master Planned Development
and enforcement of use restrictions pertaining to the Master Planned Development.
(4) The Master Planned Development is or will be developed in two or more phases.
Provided, however, the subdivider may demonstrate from specific facts and circumstances that a development that does
not satisfy the criteria set forth in this subsection (a) should nonetheless be treated as a Master Planned Development.
(b) Recognizing that control by the subdivider over the governing body serving a residential common interest
development and over the architectural control committee serving the development is ordinarily necessary until a
reasonable portion of the project has been completed, in order to fulfill the expectations of the subdivider and the
purchasers, the governing instruments for a Master Association shall substantially conform to the applicable standards
prescribed in subsections (c) through (g), inclusive, below.
(c) SUBDIVIDER'S MEMBERSHIP VOTING RIGHTS: The governing instruments for a Master Association may
include provisions for two classes of membership as defined in Section 2792.18(b). For such a Master Association,
Class B membership shall be automatically converted to Class A membership and Class B membership shall thereafter
cease to exist on the first to occur of the following:
(1) When seventy-five percent of the separate residential interests proposed for the overall Master Planned
Development have been conveyed to Class A members;
(2) On the fifth anniversary following the most recent conveyance to a Class A member of the first separate
residential interest in any phase of the overall Master Planned Development under the authority of a public report;
(3) On the twenty-fifth anniversary of the first conveyance of a separate residential interest to a Class A member in
the overall Master Planned Development under the authority of a public report.
(d) DELEGATE VOTING: The governing instruments for a Master Association may include provisions for establishing
a geographical area in the Master Planned Development for one or more delegates to represent the collective voting
power of the members residing in such residential or mixed residential/non-residential projects within the Master
Planned Development. Arrangements in the governing instruments for the exercise of the voting power of the Master
Association by delegates selected by each delegate district shall conform to the following criteria:
(1) The governing instruments must establish a procedure for the selection of delegates, for defining delegate
districts, and for determining the number of votes that may be cast by a delegate.
(2) There shall be at least one delegate and one alternate for each delegate district.
(3) In any meeting of the members of the Master Association, the votes of members residing in a delegate district
shall be cast by delegates selected to represent that delegate district.
(4) The duties of the delegates shall be prescribed in the governing instruments.

(e) QUORUM FOR MEMBERSHIP MEETINGS: The quorum for an adjourned meeting of the members of the Master
Association, as described in Section 2792.17(e)(2) of these Regulations, may be set by the governing instruments at a
percentage less than that prescribed for the regular meeting, but it shall not be less than 15 percent of the total voting
power of the Master Association.

(1) The governing instruments may include provision for the election of a majority of the governing body of the
Master Association by the subdivider under a Class C vote or similar device. For such a Master Association, this
arrangement shall irreversibly terminate on the first to occur of the following:
(A) When seventy-five percent of the separate residential interest proposed for the overall Master Planned
Development have been conveyed to Class A members;

(B) On the fifth anniversary following the most recent conveyance to a Class A member of the first separate
residential interest in any phase of the overall Master Planned Development under the authority of a public
report; or
(C) On the twenty-fifth anniversary of the first conveyance of a separate residential interest to a Class A member
in the overall Master Planned Development under the authority of a public report.
(2) The governing instruments may include provision for the election of twenty percent of the members of the board
of directors of the Master Association by the subdivider until the first to occur of the following:
(A) When ninety percent of the subdivision interests in the overall development have been conveyed to Class
A members;
(B) On the fifth anniversary following the most recent conveyance to a Class A member of the first separate
residential interest in any phase of the overall Master Planned Development under the authority of a public
(C) On the twenty-fifth anniversary of the first conveyance of a separate residential interest to a Class A member
in the overall Master Planned Development under the authority of a public report.
(g) ARCHITECTURAL CONTROL: Members appointed to the Architectural Control Committee by the governing
body or by the subdivider need not be members of the Master Association. The governing instruments may include
provision for the election of a majority of the Architectural Control Committee of the Master Association by the
subdivider. This arrangement shall irreversibly terminate on the first to occur of the following:

(1) When ninety percent of the subdivision interests proposed for the overall Master Planned Development have
been conveyed to Class A members; or
(2) On the fifth anniversary following the most recent conveyance to a Class A member of the first separate
residential interest in any phase of the overall Master Planned Development under the authority of a public report.
(h) ADDITIONAL ASSOCIATIONS: If any residential structure or other major special benefit facility or amenity will
be constructed or provided within the Master Planned Development and commonly maintained or operated for the use
or benefit of some but not all of the homeowners within the Master Planned Development, ordinarily one or more
separate homeowners associations shall be established under arrangements substantially satisfying the requirements of
Sections 2792.4, 2792.8(a), and 2792.15 to 2792.26, inclusive, of these Regulations to maintain the residential structure
or to maintain and operate the major special benefit facility or amenity and to enforce any obligation or commitment,
and any bond or other arrangement securing such obligation or commitment, relating to the residential structure or major
special benefit facility or amenity.

(i) Notwithstanding the foregoing, the subdivider may present to the Commissioner specific facts an circumstances
relating to a Master Planned Development that demonstrate the need for alternative arrangements, satisfactory to the
Commissioner, from those provisions set forth in subsections (c) through (h) above.
(j) The subdivider of a Master Planned Development may enter into an arrangement with the Master Association to sell
or to convey under a lease purchase arrangement common area amenities to the Master Association. The provisions of
this subsection are not available to anyone other than the subdivider of a Master Planned Development. The sale or
lease purchase arrangement shall include:
(1) All common area amenities subject to this arrangement shall be specifically identified and defined as “common
area” or “future common areas” in the CC&Rs. The common area amenity must be a part of the proposed Master
Planned Development, accessible to all homeowners who will be charged an assessment to pay for the amenity and
must be located on a separate lot or parcel. The term common area shall not include any element or amenity within
a separate interest or unit.

(2) All common area amenities subject to this arrangement that have not been completed shall be covered by a bond
or other arrangement to secure completion of the amenities.
(3) The Master Association shall not be obligated to make any payments nor shall any homeowner be required to
pay any assessment for common area amenities subject to this arrangement until those amenities have been
completed and a Notice of Completion as defined in Civil Code Section 3093 has been recorded.
(4) The CC&Rs must obligate the Master Association to maintain and control the common area amenities subject
to this arrangement after the sale or lease purchase and to act on those amenities, as appropriate, during the term of
the sale or lease purchase.

(5) Title to the common area amenities shall be delivered free and clear of any liens or blanket encumbrances to the
Master Association upon completion of the sale or lease purchase. All encumbrances affecting the common area
amenities shall include assurances that the ownership or use by the Master Association shall not be adversely
(6) The purchase price of the common area amenities shall not exceed the cost of construction of those amenities.
The master subdivider shall provide a bond to secure completion of construction. The Bureau may, in its discretion,
determine whether the purchase price of the common area amenities exceeds the cost of construction of those
amenities. In order to make that determination, the Bureau may review construction bids, records or analyses
submitted by the subdivider and, if deemed necessary, may request an independent third party evaluation. The costs
of any independent third party evaluation shall be paid by the subdivider.
(7) The term of the sale or lease purchase arrangement shall not exceed ten (10) years and shall provide for
substantially equal monthly payments by the Master Association sufficient to fully amortize the sale or lease
purchase. The terms of the sale or lease purchase agreement shall be fair, just and equitable and may not provide
for a prepayment penalty, negative amortization or balloon payments. Payments on the sale or lease purchase
arrangement shall begin not later than three years from the date a Notice of Completion as defined in Civil Code
Section 3093 has been recorded unless the Bureau has approved a longer time period.
(8) The master subdivider shall submit to the Bureau, prior to use or execution all sale or lease purchase agreements,
covenants and documents relating to the sale or lease purchase agreement.
(9) The sale or lease purchase arrangement shall specify who is responsible for maintenance, insurance, reserves
and operation of the common area amenities. In a lease purchase arrangement, the subdivider shall pay the property
taxes attributable to the common area amenities. The subdivider shall post a bond or other form of acceptable
security to insure performance if the master subdivider is responsible for any task requiring such security.
(10) The sale or lease purchase arrangement shall provide for the distribution of proceeds and the action to be taken
in the event of condemnation or destruction.
(11) The Master Association CC&Rs and budget shall provide for: specific language binding the Association to
fund the common area amenities prior to, during and after acquisition of the amenities; the ability of the Association
to address issues related to the operation of the common area amenities while they are subject to a sale or lease
purchase arrangement; sufficient funds to meet the monthly obligations of the sale or lease purchase arrangement,
including a minimum 5% sinking fund to cover defaulting individual homeowner payments until such time as the
sinking fund equals the outstanding balance; reserve payments for the common area amenities commencing upon
recordation of a notice of completion; and, the right of the Master Association to file liens against the interests of
homeowners who have failed to pay their respective portion of the sale or lease purchase costs. Individual
homeowner assessments to create the sinking fund shall begin upon the commencement of payments by the Master
Association under the sale or lease purchase arrangement. The sinking fund may only be used to cover defaulting
individual homeowner payments on the common area amenities covered by the sale or lease purchase arrangement.

(12) The sale or lease purchase arrangement and agreements shall not be modified without the assent of a simple
majority of the owners other than a subdivider.