2791.8. Dispute Resolution.

2791.8. Dispute Resolution. somebody

2791.8. Dispute Resolution.
(a) A contractual provision setting forth terms, conditions and procedures for resolution of a dispute or claim between
a homeowner and a subdivider, or a provision in the covenants, conditions and restrictions setting forth terms, conditions
and procedures for resolution of a dispute of claim between a homeowners association and a subdivider shall, at a
minimum, provide that the dispute or claim resolution process, proceeding, hearing or trial to be conducted in
accordance with the following rules:
(1) For the subdivider to advance the fees necessary to initiate the dispute or claim resolution process, with the costs
and fees, including ongoing costs and fees, if any, to be paid as agreed by the parties and if they can't agree then the
costs and fees are to be paid as determined by the person or persons presiding at the dispute or claim resolution
proceeding or hearing.
(2) For a neutral or impartial person(s) to administer and preside over the claim or dispute resolution process.
(3) For the appointment, or selection, as designation, or assignment of the person(s) to administer and preside over
the claim or dispute resolution process within a specific period of time, which in no event shall be more than sixty
(60) days from initiation of the claim or dispute resolution process or hearing. The person(s) appointed, selected,
designated or assigned to preside may be challenged for bias.
(4) For the venue of the claim or dispute resolution process to be in the county where the subdivision is located
unless the parties agree to some other location.
(5) For the prompt and timely commencement of the claim or dispute resolution process. When the contract
provisions provide for a specific type of claim or dispute resolution process, the process shall be deemed to be
promptly and timely commenced if it is to be commenced in accordance with the rules applicable to that process,
or if the rules don't specify a date by which the proceeding or hearing must commence, then to a date agreed upon
by the parties, and if they cannot agree, a date determined by the person(s) presiding over the dispute resolution

(6) For the claim or dispute resolution process to be conducted in accordance with rules and procedures that are
reasonable and fair to the parties.

(7) For the prompt and timely conclusion of the claim or dispute resolution process, including the issuance of any
decision or ruling following the proceeding or hearing.
(8) For the person(s) presiding at the claim or dispute resolution process to be authorized to provide all recognized
remedies available in law or equity for any cause of action that is the basis of the proceeding or hearing. The parties
may authorize the limitation or prohibition of punitive damages.

(b) A copy of the rules applicable to the claim or dispute resolution process shall be submitted as part of the application
for a public report.

(c) If the claim or dispute resolution process provides or allows for a judicial remedy in accordance with the laws of
this state, it shall be presumed that the proceeding or hearing satisfies the provisions of paragraph (a).