2790.6. Separate Review of Declarations.

2790.6. Separate Review of Declarations. somebody

2790.6. Separate Review of Declarations.
The filing fee to review a declaration as described in Section 11010.10 of the Code shall be the maximum fee set forth
in Section 11011 of the Code.

2790.7. General Housing Information – For Research and Statistical Purposes
As a part of any application required by Section 11010 of the Code (application), each applicant for a final subdivision
public report shall, prior to the issuance of the final subdivision public report, complete and submit general housing
information to be used solely for statistical and research purposes. Evidence of submission of the information shall be
included in the application file, but the information is not a part of the application or its file. A copy of the information
will not be included or retained in the application or its file. The information will not be used in any decision controlling
the issuance of any public report. Once submitted, the data provided will be incorporated into the statistical database,
and the original information provided will be permanently deleted. Unless otherwise established by an amendment to
this regulation, the applicant must provide only the following information: the city and/or county in which the
subdivision is located; the zip code; the total acreage; the estimated average number of lots, units or parcels proposed
for each phase; whether lots, units or parcels will be offered vacant or with completed residential structures; the
anticipated date of the first close of escrow; the estimated average lot/parcel size; the estimated average sale price of
the lots, units or parcels; the number of bedrooms, the estimated average square footage and parking arrangements for
the residential structures; the prior use of the property (improved or unimproved); and, if the applicant originally entitled
the project, the number of lots, units or parcels requested of local government and the total number of lots, units or
parcels approved by local government.