2790.5. Phased Senior Citizen Housing Developments.

2790.5. Phased Senior Citizen Housing Developments. somebody

2790.5. Phased Senior Citizen Housing Developments.
(a) An applicant for a public report may qualify a proposed project as a senior citizen housing development, even though
there are an insufficient number of dwelling units in the initial phase of the project to satisfy the statutory definition of
the term as set forth in Section 51.3 of the Civil Code, by complying with the provisions of Section 11010.05 of the
(b) The submission of documentation of the following items shall be deemed to have satisfied the requirements of
subdivision (c) of Section 11010.05 of the Code.
(1) A preliminary title report or policy of title insurance showing that the applicant holds fee title, a long-term
leasehold interest, or other evidence of controlling interest in the property to be annexed to the first phase, and any
subsequent phase, of the subdivision, such as an irrevocable option, as being vested in the applicant.
(2) A covenant, recorded in the office of the appropriate county recorder, limiting use on the land proposed to be
annexed to a senior citizen housing development.
(3) A certification from the appropriate local authority that the land proposed to be annexed is sufficient in size to
construct the number of additional units necessary to qualify the project as a senior citizen housing development as
that term is defined in Section 51.3(b)(4) of the Civil Code.