2790.4. Questionnaire Waiver – Rural Housing Service.

2790.4. Questionnaire Waiver – Rural Housing Service. somebody

2790.4. Questionnaire Waiver – Rural Housing Service.
The submission of a completed questionnaire shall be waived pursuant to subdivision (c) of Section 11010 of the Code
for a proposed subdivision offering that satisfies all of the following criteria:
(a) Except as provided in (d) below, the division of the land is not a subdivision as defined in Sections 11000.1 or
11004.5 of the Code.
(b) The financing of the purchase or lease of lots and parcels will be provided exclusively by the Rural Housing Service
pursuant to Section 502 of the Housing Act of 1949 (42 U.S.C. Section 1472) as amended.
(c) Lots and parcels will be developed and improved with residential structures exclusively through technical assistance
grants to nonprofit agencies pursuant to Section 523 of the Housing Act of 1949 (42 U.S.C. Section 1490(c)) as

(d) If the proposed offering is a planned development subdivision within the meaning of subdivision (a) of Section
11004.5 of the Code, the submission of a completed questionnaire shall be waived if the applicant, pursuant to
subdivision (b)(14) of Section 11010 of the Code, submits the following for the subdivision:
(1) Governing instruments for the subdivision and the association of owners.

(2) Detailed budget reflecting estimated costs of ownership, operation and maintenance expenses and reserves for
the subdivision.
(3) Evidence that common areas and facilities have been or will be conveyed free of liens and encumbrances, to the
association of owners or to the owners as tenants in common.