2770.1. Advertising - License Designation.

2770.1. Advertising - License Designation. somebody

2770.1. Advertising - License Designation.
Use of the terms broker, agent, Realtor, loan correspondent or the abbreviations bro., agt., or other similar terms or
abbreviations, is deemed sufficient identification to fulfill the designation requirements of Section 10140.6(a) and (c)
of the Business and Professions Code.

Use of the terms and abbreviations set forth above does not satisfy the requirements of Sections 10235.5 and 17539.4
of the Code.

2773. Disclosure of License Identification Number on Solicitation Materials - First Point of Contact
with Consumers.
(a) A real estate broker or salesperson, when engaging in acts for which a license is required, shall disclose its,
his or her eight (8) digit real estate license identification number and responsible broker's name as currently
licensed, and may, but is not required to, also include the responsible broker's license identification number, on
all solicitation materials intended to be the first point of contact with consumers. If the name of more than one
licensee appears in the solicitation, the license identification number of each licensee shall be disclosed. The
license identification numbers of responsible brokers or corporate brokers whose names, logos or trademarks
appear on solicitation materials along with the names and license numbers of salespersons or broker associates do
not need to appear on those materials. If the advertising is in written form, the type size of the license identification
number shall be no smaller than the smallest size type used in the solicitation material.

Solicitation materials intended to be the first point of contact with consumers, and in which a licensee must
disclose a license identification number, include the following:

(1) Business cards;
(2) Stationery;

(3) Websites owned, controlled, and/or maintained by the soliciting real estate licensee;
(4) Promotional and advertising flyers, brochures, postal mail, leaflets, and any marketing or promotional
materials designed to solicit the creation of a professional relationship between the licensee and a consumer,
or which is intended to incentivize, induce or entice a consumer to contact the licensee about any service for
which a license is required;
(5) Advertisements in electronic media (including, without limitation, internet, email, radio, cinema, and
television advertisements, and the opening section of streaming video and audio);

(6) Print advertising in any newspaper or periodical; and
(7) "For sale," "for rent," "for lease," "open house," and directional signs that display the name of the
(b) No license identification number is required where a "for sale," "for rent," "for lease," "open house," or
directional sign has no name, trademark, or other branding of a real estate licensee, or where the only licensee
identified is a responsible broker as defined in Business and Professions Code Section 10015.4.

(c) "Advertisements in electronic media" that constitute a first point of contact solicitation are those
advertisements that a licensee purchases or directly places on an electronic platform, where the licensee controls
the content and presentation of the advertisement, and which include information that is intended to enable
consumers to directly contact the licensee. Instances where another party controls the content and visual
presentation of the licensee’s information on a platform are excluded from "advertisements in electronic media,"
except where the licensee subsequently adopts the content and presentation of the content by distributing or
forwarding the advertisement to a consumer.

Article 10. Discrimination and Panic Selling