Article 8. Examinations

Article 8. Examinations somebody

2761. Application for Examination.

2761. Application for Examination. somebody

2761. Application for Examination.
A person desiring to take an examination for a license issued by the Bureau shall apply to take the examination on a
form furnished by the Bureau. This form and the examination papers may require that the applicant set forth such
information as is necessary to identify the applicant from among other examinees and for the purpose of correlating the
application form and examination paper of each examinee.

2761.5. Persons Not Eligible for Examination.

2761.5. Persons Not Eligible for Examination. somebody

2761.5. Persons Not Eligible for Examination.
An examination shall not ordinarily be administered to a person who has a license or the right to the issuance of a license
of the class for which the examination is to be given.

2763. Examination Rules.

2763. Examination Rules. somebody

2763. Examination Rules.
(a) A person taking an examination for a license issued by the Bureau shall abide by all of the following rules from the
time of entry into the examination room until the examinee has completed the examination and left the examination

(1) An examinee may not refer to any printed or written material other than that furnished by the Bureau.
(2) Written computations by examinees shall be made only on paper furnished by the Bureau for that purpose.
(3) An examinee may not communicate with another examinee nor with any person other than an examination
(4) The copying of questions and the making of any notes of examination materials by an examinee is prohibited.

(5) An examinee may not leave the examination room prior to completion of the examination unless express
permission of an examination proctor has been obtained and all examination papers and materials have been turned
over to the proctor.
(6) The only materials or devices, other than those furnished by the Bureau, that an examinee may use during the
course of the examination are pencils and slide rules or silent, battery-operated, electronic, pocket-sized calculators
which are non-programmable, do not have a print-out capability, or an alphabetic keyboard.
(7) An examinee may not share the use of examination materials with any other examinee.

(b) A violation of any of the above rules or verbal directives of an examination proctor is ground to disqualify an
examinee and to initiate appropriate administrative action to deny the issuance of a license to the examinee.

Article 9. Advertising