2752. Notice of Change of Responsible Broker.

2752. Notice of Change of Responsible Broker. somebody

2752. Notice of Change of Responsible Broker.
(a) Whenever a real estate salesperson or real estate broker is retained by a responsible broker, the responsible broker
shall notify the Commissioner of that fact within five days. This notification shall be given on a form prepared by the
Department and shall be signed by the responsible broker and the salesperson or broker retained to act as a salesperson.
The form of notification shall provide for the furnishing of at least the following information:
(1) Name and business address of the responsible broker.

(2) Mailing address of the salesperson or broker acting as a salesperson, if different from the responsible broker's
business address.
(3) Date when the salesperson or broker acting as a salesperson entered a written retention agreement with the
responsible broker.

(4) Certification by the salesperson that he or she has complied with the provisions of Section 10161.8(d) of the
Business and Professions Code.
(5) When a salesperson is entering a retention agreement, the name and business address of the real estate broker to
whom the salesperson was last licensed and the date of termination of that relationship.
(6) When a salesperson is entering a retention agreement, certification by the salesperson that the predecessor
responsible broker has notice of the termination of the prior relationship.
As an acceptable alternative to (5) and (6) above, the form may be utilized by the predecessor responsible broker to give
notice of the termination of the broker/salesperson contract relationship as required by Section 10161.8(b) of the
Business and Professions Code if this notice is mailed to the Commissioner not more than ten days following such
(b) A responsible broker that is involved in a contract to retain another broker to act in the capacity of a salesperson
must give notice of the termination of that broker/broker contract relationship as required by Section 10161.8(b) of the
Business and Professions Code by mailing such notice to the Commissioner not more than ten days following such
Note: Authority cited: Section 10080, Business and Professions Code. Reference: Section 10161.8, Business and
Professions Code.