2746. Corporate Real Estate Brokers, Officers, Directors and Shareholders.

2746. Corporate Real Estate Brokers, Officers, Directors and Shareholders. somebody

2746. Corporate Real Estate Brokers, Officers, Directors and Shareholders.
(a) At the time of application for, or in the reinstatement of, an original real estate broker license, the designated officer
shall file a background statement of information for each director, the chief executive officer, the president, first level
vice presidents, secretary, chief financial officer, subordinate officers with responsibility for forming policy of the
corporation and all natural persons owning or controlling more than ten percent of its shares, if such person has been
the subject of any of the following:
(1) Received an order or judgment issued by a court or governmental agency during the preceding 10 years
temporarily or permanently restraining or enjoining any business conduct, practice or employment;
(2) Has had a license to engage in or practice real estate or other regulated profession, occupation or vocation denied,
suspended or revoked during the preceding 10 years;
(3) Engaged in acts requiring a real estate license of any state without the benefit of a valid license or permit
authorizing that conduct during the preceding 10 years which have been enjoined by a court of law or administrative

(4) Been convicted of a crime which is substantially related to the qualifications, functions or duties of a licensee
of the Bureau as specified in Section 2910 of these Regulations (excluding drunk driving, reckless driving and
speeding violations).
(b) The background statement shall be set forth in CalBRE Form RE 212 and shall inquire only about the information
to be disclosed pursuant to subdivision (a). The background statement must be verified and completed by each corporate
officer, director or stockholder as named in subdivision (a) to the fullest extent of the signatory's actual knowledge.

(c) Whenever there is a change in the persons whose background statements are required to be on file with the Bureau
for a corporate licensee pursuant to subdivision (a) or an addition to the persons required to file statements pursuant to
subdivision (a), the designated officer of the corporation shall, within 30 days thereafter, file with the Bureau a
background statement of information for each new or changed person.
Article 7. Salespersons