Article 5. Licenses Under Fictitious Names

Article 5. Licenses Under Fictitious Names somebody

2731. Use of False or Fictitious Name.

2731. Use of False or Fictitious Name. somebody

2731. Use of False or Fictitious Name.
(a) A licensee shall not use a fictitious name in the conduct of any activity for which a license is required under the Real
Estate Law unless the licensee is the holder of a license bearing the fictitious name.
(b) The Bureau shall issue a license required under the Real Estate Law only in the legal name of the licensee or in the
fictitious business name of a broker who presents evidence of having complied with the provisions of Sections 17910
and 17917 of the Code.

(c) The commissioner may refuse to issue a license bearing a fictitious name to a broker if the fictitious name:
(1) Is misleading or would constitute false advertising.
(2) Implies a partnership or corporation when a partnership or corporation does not exist in fact.

(3) Includes the name of a real estate salesperson.
(4) Constitutes a violation of the provisions of Sections 17910, 17910.5, 17913 or 17917 of the Code.
(5) Is the name formerly used by a licensee whose license has since been revoked.

(d) A license may not be issued or renewed with a fictitious business name containing the term “escrow”, or any name
which implies that escrow services are provided, unless the fictitious business name includes the term, “a non-
independent broker escrow” following the name. Licensees who have been or are issued a license with a fictitious
business name with the term “escrow”, or any term which implies that escrow services are provided, must include the
term “a non-independent broker escrow” in any advertising, signs, or electronic promotional material.
(e) Where a licensee is a natural person, the use of a nickname in place of his or her legal given name (first name) shall
not constitute a fictitious name for purposes of this section, provided that where the nickname is used, the licensee also
uses as a surname (last name) his or her surname as it appears on his or her real estate license, and includes his or her
Bureau-issued license identification number as required by Section 10140.6 of the Code.
Article 6. Corporate Licenses