2725.5. Broker Responsibility Regarding Debarred Persons.

2725.5. Broker Responsibility Regarding Debarred Persons. somebody

2725.5. Broker Responsibility Regarding Debarred Persons.
Business and Professions Code Section 10087 authorizes the Commissioner to debar licensed or unlicensed persons
from any position of employment with, or management or control of, a real estate business. Such debarred persons are
further prohibited by Section 10087 from participating in any business activity of a real estate salesperson or a real
estate broker and from engaging in any real estate-related business activity on the premises where a real estate
salesperson or real estate broker is conducting business.
A responsible broker is responsible for screening the broker’s retained staff and employees, both licensed and
unlicensed, for compliance with Section 10087. A responsible broker is responsible for screening regular business
associates engaging in any real estate-related business activity on the responsible broker's premises, for compliance
with Section 10087. Such broker responsibility includes, but is not limited to, quarterly review of the Department’s
online listing of debarred persons and of the listing of disciplinary actions published in the Department’s quarterly
bulletin. A responsible broker who becomes aware of violations of Section 10087 is responsible for reporting such
violations to the Department.