2715. Business and Mailing Addresses of Licensees.

2715. Business and Mailing Addresses of Licensees. somebody

2715. Business and Mailing Addresses of Licensees.

Every real estate broker, except a broker acting in the capacity of a salesperson to another broker under written
agreement, shall maintain on file with the commissioner the address of his or her principal place of business for
brokerage activities, the address of each branch business office and his or her current mailing address, if different from
the business address.
Every broker who is acting in the capacity of a salesperson to another broker under written agreement shall maintain on
file with the Commissioner the address of the business location where he or she expects to conduct most of the activities
for which a license is required and his or her current mailing address.
A real estate salesperson shall maintain on file with the Commissioner his or her current mailing address, and when
applicable, the address of the principal business office of the responsible broker to whom the salesperson is at the time
Whenever there is a change in the location or address of the principal place of business or of a branch office of a broker,
that broker shall notify the Commissioner thereof not later than the next business day following the change.
This section shall apply to those who are licensed and to those who have license rights under Section 10201 of the Code.
Note: Authority cited: Section 10080, Business and Professions Code. Reference: Sections 10162, 10163 and 10201,
Business and Professions Code.