Filing a Lawsuit Against a Credit Reporting Agency: Seeking Attorney Fees, Court Costs, and Damages

Filing a Lawsuit Against a Credit Reporting Agency: Seeking Attorney Fees, Court Costs, and Damages somebody

When filing a lawsuit against a credit reporting agency for not "correcting" an "error" in a credit report, the person affected may ask for attorney fees and court costs, as well as actual and punitive damages.

These are questions that the above text answers:

1. What can a person affected by an error in a credit report ask for when filing a lawsuit against a credit reporting agency?
2. What types of damages can a person affected seek in a lawsuit against a credit reporting agency?
3. What are the potential costs that a person affected can request in a lawsuit against a credit reporting agency?
4. What can a person affected by an error in a credit report seek in terms of damages in a lawsuit against a credit reporting agency?
5. What can a person affected by an error in a credit report ask for in terms of damages when filing a lawsuit against a credit reporting agency?