The Listing Broker's Duty to Disclose Known Material Facts to Potential Buyers

The Listing Broker's Duty to Disclose Known Material Facts to Potential Buyers somebody

The listing broker must tell potential buyers "all known material facts" about the property they are showing, with the exception of "confidential personal or financial information" about the seller, or any other limits they have set.

These are questions that the above text answers:

1. What is the duty of the listing broker in regards to disclosing information to potential buyers?
2. What type of information does the listing broker need to disclose to potential buyers?
3. Are there any exceptions to the duty of the listing broker to disclose information?
4. What is considered "confidential personal or financial information" that the listing broker does not need to disclose?
5. Can the listing broker set limits on the information they disclose to potential buyers?
6. What is the term used to describe the information that the listing broker needs to disclose to potential buyers?
7. Who is responsible for disclosing known material facts about the property?
8. Is the listing broker required to disclose information about the seller?
9. Are there any restrictions on the information that the listing broker needs to disclose?
10. What is the purpose of the listing broker disclosing known material facts to potential buyers?