Understanding Transfer of Interests in Real Estate

Understanding Transfer of Interests in Real Estate somebody

To "transfer an interest" in real estate means to give ownership to someone else. A "tenancy," "possessory right," and "estate for years" all give someone the right to use and benefit from the property, but do not give them the right to give it away or sell it.

These are questions that the above text answers:

1. What does it mean to "transfer an interest" in real estate?
2. Can a "tenancy" give someone the right to sell or give away a property?
3. What is the purpose of a "deed" in real estate ownership and transfer?
4. What is the difference between a "tenancy" and an "estate for years" in terms of property ownership?
5. Can a "possessory right" grant someone ownership of a property?
6. What does it mean to have the "right to use and benefit from" a property?
7. Can someone transfer ownership of real estate without a deed?
8. What are some examples of interests that can be transferred in real estate?
9. Can someone transfer an interest in real estate without giving ownership to someone else?
10. Can someone sell or give away a property if they only have a "possessory right" or "estate for years"?