Ensuring Clear Title: A Title Company's Role

Ensuring Clear Title: A Title Company's Role somebody

A title company will "look up" a property's title by checking the records at the "county clerk's office," the "county recorder," and the "secretary of state." This is done to make sure the buyer or seller does not have any problems with the property, such as an "income tax lien." A federal registry is not usually necessary to find information about the property's title.

These are questions that the above text answers:

1. What is the role of a title company in real estate transactions?
2. Where does a title company check the records to ensure clear title?
3. What are the three places a title company typically checks for property title information?
4. Why does a title company conduct a property title search?
5. What type of problem with the property can a title company help identify?
7. What is the purpose of checking the records at the county clerk's office?
8. What is the purpose of checking the records at the county recorder's office?
9. What is the purpose of checking the records at the secretary of state's office?
10. What is an example of a problem with the property that a title company might discover during a title search?