Securing Your Roof from Damage with Flashing

Securing Your Roof from Damage with Flashing somebody

The metal sheeting along the edge of the roof and around the "exhaust pipes" that stick out from the roof is called "flashing".

These are questions that the above text answers:

1. What is the purpose of flashing in real estate?
2. Where is flashing typically installed on a roof?
3. What material is flashing made of?
4. What is the function of flashing around exhaust pipes on a roof?
5. How does flashing help secure a roof from damage?
6. What is the term for the metal sheeting along the edge of a roof?
7. What are some common areas on a roof where flashing is installed?
8. What is the significance of flashing in property maintenance?
9. How does flashing contribute to the overall maintenance of a property?