Making the Most of Interim Use for Property Investments

Making the Most of Interim Use for Property Investments somebody

When a property's "highest and best use" won't be available for a while, it's referred to as its "interim use". Think of it like an "intermission" between two stages in the life of the property.

These are questions that the above text answers:

1. What is the term used to describe a property's use during a period when its "highest and best use" is not available?
3. What does the term "highest and best use" refer to in relation to a property?
4. Can a property have multiple "interim uses" during its lifespan?
5. Is "interim use" a temporary or permanent state for a property?
7. What is the purpose of identifying a property's "highest and best use"?
8. Can the "interim use" of a property impact its value?
9. Is the concept of "interim use" applicable to all types of real estate?
10. How does the "interim use" of a property affect the real estate development process?