The Legal Obligations of an Agent: Understanding the Agency Relationship

The Legal Obligations of an Agent: Understanding the Agency Relationship somebody

Agents represent their clients to third persons under the law of "agency." The "agency relationship" is the range of activities that the broker is legally required to do as part of the job they were hired to do.

These are questions that the above text answers:

1. What is the legal concept that governs the representation of clients by agents in real estate?
2. What is the definition of the "agency relationship" in real estate?
3. What are agents legally obligated to do as part of their job in the real estate industry?
4. Under what legal concept do agents represent their clients to third persons?
5. What is the range of activities that brokers are required to perform as part of their job?
6. What is the role of agency in the real estate industry?
7. What is the legal framework that governs the relationship between agents and their clients?
8. What are the obligations of agents towards their clients under the law of agency?
9. What is the purpose of the agency relationship in real estate?
10. What is the significance of understanding the agency relationship in real estate law?