Ending an Agency Relationship: Estoppel and Third-Party Involvement

Ending an Agency Relationship: Estoppel and Third-Party Involvement somebody

If both parties agree, the "agency relationship" will end. A third party's death will not affect the relationship. "Estoppel" is a legal concept that means someone can't later deny or claim something based on what they have said or done before. A disagreement between the parties does not end the relationship.

These are questions that the above text answers:

1. What is an agency relationship in real estate?
2. How can an agency relationship in real estate be ended?
3. What is the meaning of estoppel in real estate law?
4. Does the death of a third party affect an agency relationship in real estate?
5. Can a disagreement between parties end an agency relationship in real estate?
6. Is an agency relationship in real estate dependent on both parties agreeing?
7. Does a third party have any influence on an agency relationship in real estate?
8. Can someone later deny or claim something in an agency relationship based on what they have said or done before?
9. Are there any circumstances where an agency relationship in real estate can be terminated?