In-House Sales: The Listing Broker's Role

In-House Sales: The Listing Broker's Role somebody

For an "in-house sale," the listing broker cannot represent only the "buyer." This means that when the broker or their salespersons are working with both the seller and the buyer, they cannot only be on the side of the buyer.

These are questions that the above text answers:

1. What is an "in-house sale" in real estate?
2. Can the listing broker represent only the buyer in an in-house sale?
3. Who can the listing broker represent in an in-house sale?
4. What is the role of the listing broker in an in-house sale?
5. Are the listing broker and their salespersons allowed to represent both the seller and the buyer in an in-house sale?
6. What are the limitations on the listing broker's representation in an in-house sale?
7. What are the responsibilities of the listing broker in an in-house sale?
8. Can the listing broker be on the side of only one party in an in-house sale?