The Dangers of Dual Agency in Real Estate Transactions

The Dangers of Dual Agency in Real Estate Transactions somebody

Under a "dual agency," the agent is not allowed to share any information about what price the buyer is "willing to pay," what payment terms the seller is "willing to accept," or any confidential financial information of either party.

These are questions that the above text answers:

1. What is the definition of a "dual agency" in real estate?
2. What information is an agent prohibited from sharing in a dual agency situation?
3. How does a dual agency affect the sharing of price information between the buyer and seller?
4. What types of payment terms are agents not allowed to disclose in a dual agency?
5. What confidential financial information is off-limits for agents in a dual agency?
6. What are the dangers associated with dual agency in real estate transactions?
7. What restrictions are placed on agents in terms of sharing buyer's price willingness in a dual agency?
8. What restrictions are placed on agents in terms of sharing seller's payment term willingness in a dual agency?
9. How does a dual agency impact the confidentiality of financial information in a real estate transaction?
10. What are the limitations on an agent's ability to share information in a dual agency situation?