Understanding Seller and Buyer Agents in Real Estate Transactions

Understanding Seller and Buyer Agents in Real Estate Transactions somebody

The seller is only responsible for the "listing broker" they have employed. On the other hand, a buyer is only bound by the actions of their own "agent", not the actions of the seller's "agent".

These are questions that the above text answers:

1. Who is responsible for the "listing broker" in a real estate transaction?
2. Who is responsible for the actions of the seller's "agent" in a real estate transaction?
3. Who is responsible for the actions of the buyer's "agent" in a real estate transaction?
4. What is the role of the seller's "agent" in a real estate transaction?
5. What is the role of the buyer's "agent" in a real estate transaction?
8. What is the relationship between the seller and the "listing broker" in a real estate transaction?
9. What is the relationship between the buyer and their "agent" in a real estate transaction?