Subagencies: Understanding the Relationship between Subagents and Brokers

Subagencies: Understanding the Relationship between Subagents and Brokers somebody

When a "subagency" is created with the seller's permission, the "subagent" is mainly responsible to the seller, not the first "broker".

These are questions that the above text answers:

1. Who is primarily responsible to the seller when a subagency is created with the seller's permission?
2. What is the main responsibility of a subagent in a subagency relationship?
3. In a subagency relationship, who is the subagent primarily responsible to?
4. What is the relationship between subagents and brokers in real estate?
5. When is a subagency created in real estate?
6. Who gives permission for a subagency to be created?
7. What is the role of a broker in a subagency relationship?
8. What is the main difference between a subagent and a broker in real estate?
9. What is the purpose of a subagency in real estate transactions?
10. How does a subagency affect the relationship between the seller and the broker?