Forming an Agency Relationship in Real Estate: Understanding Your Responsibilities

Forming an Agency Relationship in Real Estate: Understanding Your Responsibilities somebody

People who help people find real estate, like "finders" and "brokers", as well as brokers and regular members of the public, can form a "agency relationship" with each other.

These are questions that the above text answers:

1. Who can form an agency relationship in real estate?
2. What is the role of "finders" and "brokers" in forming an agency relationship?
3. Can regular members of the public form an agency relationship in real estate?
4. What is the purpose of forming an agency relationship in real estate?
5. What are the responsibilities of individuals in an agency relationship in real estate?
6. Are there any legal obligations associated with forming an agency relationship in real estate?
7. How does an agency relationship differ from a regular real estate transaction?
8. Can an agency relationship be formed between two brokers?
9. Are there any limitations on forming an agency relationship in real estate?
10. What are the potential benefits of forming an agency relationship in real estate?