The Ratification of an Unauthorized Action

The Ratification of an Unauthorized Action somebody

"Ratification" is when someone approves an action that was done without their permission before the action was taken. This is usually done between two people, such as when a "principal" (the person who gave permission) approves an action done by an "agent" (the person who took the action). Both the principal and the agent must agree for this to happen.

These are questions that the above text answers:

1. What is ratification in the context of real estate law?
2. Who is typically involved in the process of ratification?
3. What is the role of the principal in the ratification process?
4. What is the role of the agent in the ratification process?
5. What is required for ratification to occur?
6. Can ratification occur if the principal does not approve the action?
7. Can ratification occur if the agent does not agree to it?
8. Is ratification a common practice in real estate law?
9. How does ratification affect actions that were done without permission?
10. Are there any legal consequences for ratifying an unauthorized action?