The Death of an Employing Broker: What Happens Next?

The Death of an Employing Broker: What Happens Next? somebody

When an "employing broker" passes away, all real estate activity must cease until a new broker has been approved to take care of the clients' wellbeing.

These are questions that the above text answers:

1. What happens to real estate activity when an employing broker passes away?
2. Is it necessary to have a new broker approved before real estate activity can resume after the death of an employing broker?
3. What is the role of an employing broker in real estate?
4. What are the responsibilities of an employing broker in real estate?
5. What is the impact on clients when an employing broker dies?
6. Can real estate activity continue without a new broker being approved after the death of an employing broker?
7. Is it possible for clients to be left without representation if an employing broker dies?
8. What is the process for approving a new broker after the death of an employing broker?
9. Are there any legal requirements for finding a new broker after the death of an employing broker?
10. How long does it typically take to approve a new broker after the death of an employing broker?